| chapter seven |

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Carri barely allowed me to grab a piece of toast before she dragged me to Hogsmeade.

"I've heard that some of the boys from the List are going to be there tonight," Carri said as we looked through the dress shop. "If you want to make an impression, now is the night to do it!"

"Like who?" I said, "Other than David, I can't really think of any..."

Carri giggled, and I eyed her warily. "Well," She began, "James Potter's going to be there. After last year's fiasco, I can't imagine he still likes Lily Evans that much."

I snorted. "The tension between them could be seen from a mile away. He's a bit of a prat though. Lily's not wrong when she said he's arrogant."

"Oh come on, Glinda. You're both geniuses who love Quidditch! How could you not like each other? You're perfect together!" Carri said, and Glinda wilted inside. What Carri said was true - even most girls who didn't have as much in common with him liked him quite a bit. He was certainly attractive.

Except for Lily Evans, but she didn't seem to like anyone either, even if Severus Snape was head over heels in 'love' with her. I had a sneaking suspicion that Lily liked girls instead of guys since she had certainly never publicly dated anyone.

"How are things with Oliver?" I asked, trying to change the subject without being too noticeable. I was also extremely curious, since Oliver hadn't said anything to me about his relationship, and he certainly hadn't told David, either, since David couldn't keep a secret to close friends and typically told me everything anyway.

Carri sighed loudly. "Well," She mumbled, "I haven't said anything to him, honestly. I mean, what do I say? By the way, your declaration of love has made me extremely uncomfortable and now I kind of want to break up since this relationship seems to be at completely different levels for both of us?"

"Um, yeah? That sounds pretty reasonable to me."

"No, Glinda, that's insensitive."

I rolled my eyes behind a clothing rack and pulled out another dress. "Well, it's what I would say. How many dresses do you have?"

Carri quietly counted under her breath. "Four. You?"

"I've got three. More than enough to try on."

I spent the next hour and a half trying on dresses and parading in front of Carri. Two were immediately voted off, and the next three only got an average rating for both of us. The next two, however, were absolutely gorgeous on me.

The first one was a pale blue, with gold butterflies beautifully embroidered on the sleeves and top of the neckline. The bottom flowed to just below my knees, where more golden butterflies of all different sizes fluttered at the bottom. Swishing the dress as I twirled for Carri, we discovered the wings of the butterflies seemed to move when I moved.

"It's amazing!" Carri gushed, and I nodded, a grin splitting my face.

"Incredible," I muttered, taking my appearance in at the mirrors. "I'm going to try the other one on."

The next dress had a light grey collared top with no sleeves, and a white braided belt separating the top from the forest green bottom. The bottom flowed and stopped mid-calf. The design was simple and beautiful, and both of us oohed and awed in front of the mirror.

"I can't decide which one I like more," I admitted, and Carri nodded her head.

"I like the color scheme for both on you," She replied, "But the first one was more of your house colors than this one. It's really pretty on you, though." Carri sighed.

MY TYPE OF LOVE | marauders eraWhere stories live. Discover now