| chapter two |

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We spent the rest of the train ride planning extravagant pranks and catching up about the summer. Daylight faded fast, and soon darkness was the only thing I could see outside the window. Wrappers littered every surface. All of us had brought snacks, and Leon nearly bought out the Trolley Lady when she came around.

Yet somehow I still felt my stomach grumble as the train rolled to a stop. I shared an excited glance with Carri, hooking arms with her as we pushed through the crowd together, the rest of the group tried to keep up with us, trailing behind Oliver, who held Carri's hand.

I led the group to the carriages, not hesitating to push through the younger kids. "Be nicer, Glinda," Carri laughed from behind me, and I shrugged.

"Listen, this is our second to last year here. I served my time being pushed! Waiting for the older kids to board the carriages and hoping for a good seat. They can serve the same sentence."

We arrived, grabbing a carriage to ourselves. It took a while for everyone to get in, and I tried my best not to laugh as Oliver almost face planted coming in. He quickly sent a glare at my smothered giggles, and I bit my lip. No use in making him mad at me this early in the year. I still had plenty of time to tease him later.

We had to split to our different tables as we reached the Great Hall. Leon and Carri went to the Hufflepuff table, laughing and joking as Carri stole the Hufflepuff tie from around his neck. David split away from Oliver and me, looking less than thrilled to join his Slytherin peers.

I cringed in pity as Oliver and I sat down at the Ravenclaw table, joining our peers.

"Glinda!" Autumn called out, waving to me from near the front. "Did you hear about who's captain?"

I mumbled an apology to Oliver and quickly joined Autumn. "No, who is it?" I asked, "Is it Olivia? It's not me, you, or Avery, and I don't think Flitwick would put a fifth year in charge over half of the older and more experienced team."

Autumn nodded, her eyes traveling down to the very end of the table where Olivia sat. "I owled her during the summer. I really hoped it would be Avery - he's less biased than she is."

"What did Avery say?"

"That he wished it was him but he was going to respect her authority no matter what. You know how he is. As long as he's playing the sport, he's fine."

I nodded my agreement. "Who do you think is going to fill Jane's position? I hope Olivia chooses Hunter. He's a good chaser - even if he was just a sub last year."

Jane had been the captain the year before, and the best chaser anyone had seen on the Ravenclaw team in ages. She had even been contacted by professional teams to play for them as a starter before she began her seventh year, and was now playing as a starter for her favorite team.

"That's the thing," Autumn's voice dropped, and I leaned in closer to hear. "I think Olivia is going to make tryouts a free for all this year. No one but her would be guaranteed a spot."

My eyes widened. "That's outrageous."

"And completely in her right as a captain."

"She'll just choose on favoritism! You know how upset she was when Jane didn't let Wyatt be on the team last year."

Wyatt was Olivia's little brother. He'd tried out the previous hoping to be a Beater, but as a second year, he didn't have any experience, even as a sub. Even with experience, I was convinced he wasn't going to get any better. Wyatt was the wimpiest person I'd ever see try out for Beater, and Jane had kicked him off the field almost immediately.

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