Seeing You Again (3)

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(Hi peeps who are reading this. I'm changing the story a bit. Ciel and Alois and everyone else live in America. Okay? Okay. Love y'alls.)

Ciel's POV

"Sebastian, could you bring me on of my iPads?" I asked, as I sipped some of my tea. Yes, it may be 2014, but tea still tastes great.

"Yes, my lord." He left my large living room.

It may be over 100 years since I was an earl, but I was still rich.

In the 21st century, I was a famous actor. I know, I know, I could act for anything when I was an earl, but I'm a demon now, so I can do almost anything.

"Here you are, my lord." Sebastian handed me my device and I nodded.

Unlocking it, I checked my Twitter, then Facebook, and after that, Instagram. People kept telling me to take a 'selfie', so I took one and posted it.

It may be hard to understand how I am so 'with the times', considering the fact when I wasn't a demon, there wasn't such a thing called 'selfie' or 'iPad' or any type of technology. But I quickly caught on.

Alois' POV

"Why are you wearin' those clothes, dawg?" A man with his pants very low said to me as I ran down the street.

"I do not like to be addressed as a dog, thank you."

"You tryin' ta get capped, son?" He got a little too close to me.

"Please step away from me. I'm afraid I've done nothing wrong."

He laughed in my face and walked away. Huffing, I race down the sidewalk. But I saw someone very familiar, so I stopped in my tracks.

"Sebastian Michaelis.." I whispered. I repeated his name, except I yelled the second time. Ciel's butler turned around, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Alois Trancy?" He asked. Sebastian hasn't changed at all. Except for his clothes.

"That's me." I said, smirking. Sebastian showed me his signature smirk.

"Why, what brings you here? How are you living?"

"Well, I guess someone broke the rules and reincarnated me." I shrugged."But Sebastian,"

"Yes, Alois?"

"...Will you take me to Ciel...?" I whispered. He smirked.

"I suppose. My master has been lonely lately, perhaps he'd enjoy your visit,"

Joy filled within me and I threw my hands in the air smiling and giggling. Sebastian only smirked as always, then led me to a long, black...metal machine with tires, and on the inside were seats.


Ciel's POV

I had sent Sebastian out to fetch me some McDonald's. I was waiting for him in my large dining room when he walked in, a blond boy wearing old fashioned clothes following behind him.

Wait a moment...


"A-Alois?!" I stood up quickly, immediately forgetting about my fast food meal.

"That's me." He flashed a bright smile at me, which made my heart go mad. I felt a slight heat on my cheeks.

"How are you..."

"I was reincarnated. Apparently someone broke the rules, or something like that. William, the Reaper, spoke to me about it all."

I was fighting with myself about getting on my knees and begging for his forgiveness. Emotions filled me and I didn't like it, so I put on my mask. The mask that makes my face look blank, as if nothing is bothering me.

"Well, would you like a change of clothes, Alois?" I asked. He nodded.

"But I request that I receive short-shorts. Theyre only my style." Alois giggled as I led him to my very, very large walk-in closet.

"Alright, let me look for the shorts you are looking for." I said, pulling him inside and shutting the door.

I searched through the dressers that were in the closet and finally found a pair of jean shorts. As short as his old ones, too. I then grabbed my Panic! At The Disco shirt and gave it to him to put on.

"Well, do you want to turn around, or would you rather watch?" Alois questioned seductively, causing me to blush a dark crimson red.

"S-Sorry," I choked, turning around quickly.

Alois' POV

I pulled my old shirt off and dropped it to the ground. Then, I stared at the back of Ciel.

I really do fancy this boy...

I slowly approached him.

"Are you almost finished?" He asked. I quickly wrapped my arms around him from behind and rested my head on top of his (I am still taller than him).

"A-Alois..?" Ciel shakily whispered. For some odd reason, I felt like a wave of sadness washed over me. Tears filled my eyes and dripped down my cheeks.

"C-Ciel..." I quivered.

"Alois, don't cry..." Ciel turned around and hugged me tightly.

This boy is the one who ended my life. All because of him, I was used by a demon. HE killed me. HE ended my life.

"Why...why did you do it, Ciel?" I sniffled."Why'd you kill me?"

"I-I..." He hugged me tighter."I'm so sorry... I..I only meant well... This world is horrible, you didn't deserve to live in it. All of the things that have happened to you, are just more reasons why the world doesn't treat anyone kindly.."

"Ciel, Ciel, please... Dont leave me again. Dont do that to me ever again... I need you... You are all that I have left." I lifted my head."Ciel, I love you.."

Ciel's POV

"Ciel, I love you..." He said to me. My heart was beating quickly with joy, and I smiled genuinely, for the first time in my life. I cupped his tear streaked cheeks and kissed him.

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