Sadness and Nutella (16)

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Ciel's P.O.V.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Sebastin yelled as he pounded on our door.
"Mehh.." I pulled my comforter over myself, me and Alois ended up moving apart. I cuddled deep under the blanket and kept my eyes closed.
"Ciel, wake up! The kids will come in here and see us naked!" I heard Alois say.
"I don't care.." I grumbled. He huffed.
I shot up."What?!"
I watched as he put his fuzzy pajama pants on. He then turned his back towards me, showing me the cut I left on his back.


I shook my head."M-Make sure you put a shirt on.. So they don't see your scar.."
"Right." He put one he shirt that went with his pants."Now, get dressed! I'm gonna start getting them ready for school, okay?"
I nodded and he walked out into the hallway.

Alois' P.O.V.

"Daddy, Sebastian is treating Alloize better than me again! He bought her a freaking shirt! That's not fair!" Sebastin whined as I took him back upstairs to his huge bedroom. Ciel and I's was on the first floor.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'll get you an Attack on Titan shirt while you guys are at school, okay?" I said, filling the bathtub with warm water then putting bubbles in.
"Okay!" Sebastin happily agreed. I smiled. I helped him into the bath.
"Okay, sit here, I'm gonna go find your sister so she can get in with you." I told him.
"Okay daddy! And.. is Dad okay?"
"Yeah, he's fine, he's just a bit tired and he wants to he rest. He also has work later so it will be you, Alloize, Sebastian, and I after school, okay?" I replied. Sebastin nodded and I quickly exited.
"Alloize! Bath time!" I called. I heard her little feet go up the stairs and she stood before me.
"Daddy, Sebastian already have me my bath last night before bed!" Alloize said."I just gotta brush my hair."
"Do you want me to help you?" I asked and she shook her head.
"Okay. And what shirt did Sebastian buy you?"
"This one."
She pointed to her shirt. It had a chibi cat on it, and said '#catsrule'. Seems like something Sebastian would buy...
"Okay, sweetie. Go brush your hair while I give Sebastin a bath." I replied, then kissed the crown of her little head. She smiled and walked to her room.
"Daddy! I'm getting prune-y!"
"I'm coming!"

(Time skip)

After Sebastian drove the kids to school, I finally sat down to relax for the first time today. Ciel had just woken up and it was 9:45.
"Babe, do you have work?" I looked at him. He yawned.
"Yeah, just a small photo shoot..." Ciel sighed. I watched him walk to the kitchen, then come back with a jar of Nutella. He dipped his finger in it and happily licked away.
"You can't do that.."
"Well I am, baby." He replied. Ciel kept dipping his fingers in the spread and licking them.

"Okayyy." I sighed, feeling really tired. I was actually a bit sad too. I stared out the huge window.
"What's wrong, Alois?" Ciel asked me after about ten minutes.
"I'm just a little sad.." I mumbled. I felt his strong arms wrap around me and he kissed my cheek.
"Why, babe?"
"Because of what happened last night..." I looked over at him. Ciel was silent.
"Oh." He finally said. The bluenette pulled away from me and stood up, leaving the living room.

No answer.

I sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest, nibbling on my thumb.

(SORRY FOR THE SHORTNESS! The next five chapters will be a bit longer, okay? I only plan on having 21 chapters to this book, a'ight, m80s? I love you! Oh! Also, if you want to see edits I make, follow my Instagram: aloismynigga
Or follow my twitter just for fun at: aloismynigga.
And if you have any ideas for the last few chapters of the story, DM me on IG, okay, homedogs? Ilysm!!)

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