Chapter Two: The Call

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Keith's POV:

Hey there. Umm, I'm back again, sorry about that, I just had to deal with something.

Anyway where was I... right my story.

The bang was just the beginning of my life falling apart.

Little did I know it was or that worse, much worse was yet to come.
Shiro's POV:

"Keith! Keith!!", I yelled, as Keith cut off the communication.

I stared at the dashboard and lowered my head in defeat as I pounded it in frustration.

Why? Why?!? Why did Keith have to be such a stubborn bullhead?

I sighed as I kneaded my brow in stress and worry.

"Well, at least we know he's alive!", Coran chirped cutting the device off.
I sighed again and looked at him in annoyance.

I knew the orange haired man was just trying to make me feel better, but it just made things worse for me.

"Listen, Coran. I know you think you're helping, but it's not really making me feel any better.", I voiced before I could stop myself.


I'd meant to keep that to myself.

Coran looked a little hurt, "I understand, I'll just umm groom my mustache for a while.", he said twirling his mustache while walking away.

I blinked and mentally scolded myself, I needed to get a grip.

I paced the room a bit before sitting down in my chair, putting my forehead down in the palm of my hand.

"Hey Shiro, you haven't seen Keith anywhere have you?", Lance asked walking into the room.

I kneaded my forehead, only Coran and I knew Keith had run off on this mission and I had only just found out a couple of doboshes ago.

He had gone on this mission completely by himself and without permission, I was worried and angry that he'd gone and gotten himself hurt.

I looked at Lance and shook my head, "No, I haven't seen Keith, Lance because he ran off on some mission and now he has cut off all communications where no one can help him or do anything!", I ranted.

Lance stepped back a little and blinked, surprised on how I lost my cool.

I blinked and took a deep breath, "Sorry, I'm just really stressing out here."

"Wait.", Lance said holding up his hands, "Did you just say Keith snuck off on some mission! No fair! Who does that hot-headed mullet think he is!"

I looked at him annoyed, "Lance, not now!"

"So where did he go? At least tell me that!", Lance asked crossing his arms.

I ran a hand over my face in utter frustration, "That's the thing, I don't know. I would have sent help immediately if he hadn't shut off the tracker as well."

Lance looked put out as much as I did, "So you're telling me Keith is off all by himself on some fancy secret mission, you don't have any contact with him and you don't know where he is? Doesn't this seem a little suspicious?"

I immediately sat up straight, "Listen here Lance, I'm not going to sit here and listen to you place false blame on Keith when he did nothing to make you think that.

"I believe he's trying to get that quintessence prototype we got wind of earlier or maybe it's something completely different, I don't know.

"But I'm not going to listen to your suggestions of Keith doing something against the team, you got that?", I finished dead serious.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧 (Kangst/Klance)Where stories live. Discover now