Chapter Nine: Rock Solid

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Keith's POV:

It was hard reliving everything that I had to hide; things that no one knew, things Shiro didn't even know. It tested my sanity.

But it was even harder for me to wake up and realize my dream was just a warning for my future...

More signs would come, but I would be too blind to see them for what they were until it was too late.

And maybe I should've done something different, but there was no turning back from the fear that had started to possess me. And fear is force that can take anyone over.

Lance's POV:

"AGHHHHHHHhhh!!!", I yelped bolting up right as my vision had gone scarlet red.

My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour as I looked up at the clock and saw it was still the middle of the night.

Only 2:13 am.

Which totally put a damper in my beauty sleep schedule...

But after that... nightmare though, I couldn't go back to sleep.
I was too wide awake. Wide awake and scared to be more precise.

I tried to calm myself down as I reminded myself it was all a very bad and vivid dream.

I shivered slightly as I sat there under my cerulean sheets and looked at the soft glow of my spa diffuser.

I felt like I had been IN that dream though. Like everything that had just happened in it was for real... real REAL.

My room suddenly felt way to calm, silent and dark as my vision flashed back to the blood covered hands.

I pulled on my nightrobe and blue lion slippers and opened the door, peeking out to make sure no one was awake. I needed to get some air.

The air was still and quiet as I made my way out carefully and made my way down the hall, my slippers gently squishing underneath my feet.

As I tiptoed my way down I saw Keith's door wide open, the covers thrown to the floor as if he had been in a rush.

Where the quiznack was that mullet?, I thought sleepily for a second before shaking myself awake more from concern.

Pulling in the robe closer to me, I quickly checked each room rapidly, concerned for Keith.

What was he thinking walking around when he just escaped death itself?

I finally came to the last room I hadn't checked, I didn't check the other bedrooms cuz I doubted Keith would go in them, and only saw the empty chairs and platform.

Walking in, I looked around and checked under the desk which held all the controls for the castle. Unknown buttons blinked at me gently, testing my impulse to try and press it but I stuffed it down.

The last thing I needed was to accidentally blow up the castle or throw out a beacon that'd bring the whole Galra army on us.

I stuck my head under the desk just to make sure, going for anything at this point.

Nope. He wasn't under there.
I crossed my arms and tapped my foot impatiently, my eyes darting around the empty room.

Where the heck was he?!

My eye then caught a blinking button reading that the outside hatch door had been opened.
I immediately knew where to go after that, running to the door and poking my head out, looking for Keith.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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