Chapter Seven: Hugs

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Keith's POV:

Surviving what I did shouldn't have been possible.

I should have definitely died, but thanks to the healing pod and no thanks to Lance, I'm alive.

But let's just say being alive wasn't exactly an upgrade from death.
Keith's POV:

The soft whoosh of the pod filled my ears as I opened my eyes.

Blinking, I quickly stepped out of the pod shakily, wanting to get out as soon as possible.

My vision was slightly blurred and my legs didn't quite want to work yet.

I stumbled around a little trying to find balance as my vision regained clarity.

I cursed inwardly for a few moments as I stumbled around like some kind of drunk.

After a few moments all my senses were working again and I saw Lance and Pidge staring at me.

"What are you looking at?", I asked annoyed staring back at their stunned faces.

Why did people have to stare at me like that?

Pidge just hugged me in response, wrapping her arms around and burying her head on my chest.

I stood there a little shocked and stared at the girl who had me in a tight embrace.

"Pidge, you know I really don't do hugs.", I told her wriggling uncomfortably.

Pidge said something but it was muffled in my healing pod suit.

"Huh? I can't understand you.", I said confused.

"She said,", Lance translated, "'That you're just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.'"

I stared down Lance, "Are you telling me you really understood what a word of what she said?"

Lance nodded, "Yup, so suck it up mullet."

I groaned and wriggled a little more, trying to get Pidge to release me from her hold.

Pidge tightened her grip on me as Lance suddenly joined in the hug, trapping me even further.

"Guys... I'm fine...", I breathed as Lance looked straight into my eyes, his gaze deep and intense making me trail off.

"I-I thought I lost you Mullet! I thought you were a goner!! Don't EVER do that to me me again!!", Lance suddenly exploded angrily as I felt Pidge look up at Lance in surprise.

I blinked.

Lance was staring at me in a way I couldn't break away from.

Concern and anger both poured out of his eyes while some guilt seemed to swell in his blue irises.

"L-Lance I..."

"Bum bum bum!!", Lance interrupted waving his hand in my face, "No excuses! No ever doing anything that reckless ever again, you hear? EVER AGAIN."

Pidge then kicked me in the shin, "Yeah! No more stupid stuff Keith!", she yelled joining in.

I backed away from them, "Ow Pidge, geez... do you guys really think I meant to get beat up by that guy?"

Before anyone could respond the whoosh of the entry doors caught our attention.

"Hey Lance, I know you've been in here for a while so I decided to bring you a snack. I know, I know, I know you said you don't really have an appetite, but I won't take no for an answer so you're just going to have...", Hunk said entering the room holding a bowl of assorted treats.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧 (Kangst/Klance)Where stories live. Discover now