The ex hookup pt.2

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Santana P.O.V

Once Kash' came to the lunch table, she was just staring at me. I know she was about to bombard me with questions, so I mentally prepared myself.

" So you used to fuck on her huh? " She asked me.

" Yes Kash. I used to." I said.

" Why you answered the phone? " She asked.

" I didn't check the caller ID. I thought it was you since you basically the only one who be calling me.I didn't look at it till' after I answered, that's how I knew it was her." I said.

" Mhm. Let me find out you cheating on me and I'mma cut ya' dick off and feed it to my fish. " She said.

What in the goddam fuck

" Crazy ass" I mumbled.

"WHAT WAS THAT? " She said loudly.

" Nothing girl damn. " I said.

We were just vibing and talking, until the devil herself came to our table.

" What the fuck do you want Alexis. " I said.

" I want you. " She said like Kash wasn't sitting there.

" Bitch do you want to get dragged again? " She asked.

" You wouldn't drag your boyfriends babymother right? " She said. Once  she said that Kash's face went from angry to sad.

" How many weeks? '' I asked.

" Four. " She said smirking.

" Girl the last time I did anything with you was 3 months ago. Fuck out my face. " I said.

" Well im pinning the baby on you. " She said.

" Girl you can't do that. " Kash said laughing.

"Oh but I will. Watch. " She said walking off.

"Why you gotta fuck the crazy bitches? " Kash asked me.

" Man, listen. " I said laughing.

Fast forward till' after school.

It was after school, and thank God because this day was long.

When I got to my car, Alexis walked up to me.

" Hey baby daddy, I need a ride. " She said, smirking.

" One, that demon baby not my seed, two, go find ya' baby daddy. " Just then, Kash walked up to me and younger kissed me.

"Lost Sweetie? " Kash asked her.

" You better watch out bitch. Cause Dion fresh out, he my cousin. Make me call him up. " She said, laughing.

After she said that, Kash got in the car with a scared look on her face.

" Back up bitch. " I said to Alexis.

" I'm taking you to court. " She said.

"THAT'S NOT MY BABY. " I yelled at her getting in my car.

" Babe who's Dion? " I asked her.

"No-nobody babe." She said, scared.

"Tell me." I said sternly.

"Last year I went to a twerk fest. I was on the floor twerking and what not, then I felt somebody behind me. I thought it was one of my friends, so I kept going. Next thing I know, I'm being dragged up the stairs by the person I was dancing on. He was saying how I was gonna take it even if I didn't want to. He dragged me in a room, but the dummy didn't look the door. Right before he tried to rape me, my brothers came in and beat his ass. He did that to a lot of girls before, so they were supposed to send him away for 17 years. He was beat and raped in prison, and I don't know how he got out, but I know he may come after me since he got caught." She said with tears in her eyes.

" Baby let me tell you something, as long as I'm here, ain't no nigga coming for you. I'll murder every single one of them, and I won't have no remorse. You here me?" I said.

"Thank you baby. But you don't have to do thi-"

" But I want to." I said pulling away from the school.

" You wanna meet my momma? It's time." She said to me.

" U-Uh sure." I said.

" Aww don't be scared tanny boo, she may be mean, but." She said.

" But what?" I asked her.

" Oh nothing. That's it." She said laughing.

For the rest of the ride, we just talked until we got to her moms house.

I got out the car, getting ready to meet the famous momma k.

Kash unlocked the door, and we went inside.


" I TOLD YOU STOP YELLING IN MY FUCKING HOUSE!" Her mother yelled back, walking down the stairs.

When she came down, she eyed Me for a minute before speaking.

" Who is this?" Her mom asked.

"Mom this is my boyfriend Santana. Santana this is my mom."Kash said.

" Oh this the boy that got my daughter smiling from ear to ear." Her mother said, smiling.

" Nice to meat you Ms.-"

" Nope! You can call me mama!" She said.

"Ok nice to meet you mama. You not mean, Kash said you was." I said laughing.

" You telling people I'm mean lil' girl?"Her momma asked.

"Whatttttttt?! You know me better than that momma." She said, lying.

" What y'all want to eat?" Her momma asked.

" Can you cook some s-"

" Not you fatass. I was talking to Tana." Mama said cutting her off.

" See what I'm talking about?" Kash said.

" Can you cook some chicken?" I asked mama.

"Of course I can bookie. Y'all gotta run to the store for me to get the chicken, I already have the sides." She said.

" Ok then, let's go Kash" I said.

We went to the car and both got in. On the ride there, we just talked like we always do. I never been like this with a female. The ones who I always fucked with were around for my dick and money. They never really cared to talk to me.

We arrived at Walmart and went to the frozen food isle.

" Kash what kind of Chicken do I need to get?" I asked her.

" Get some legs and thighs, my momma love those." She said.

"What the hell is that?" I asked her.

" Move." She said before getting the chicken out of the freezer.

" Now lets go get some chi-" She said before looking behind me at some dude, and she looked scared as hell.

" Bae what's wrong with you? Why you just looking at ole' dude? You know him?I asked her.

" Tha-That's him" She said barely above a whisper.
1049 words!

Ok y'all I have a valid explanation why I didn't update, I was trapping off a broke ass droid because I broke my iPhone 6. But now I have the iPhone XR so you know what that means bitches? MORE UPDATESSSSSS.

Y'all think Alexis was serious about dion being out?

Who did Kash see?


See you later babies💋

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