Chapter 8- Bestfriendddd

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Jayda P.O.V

Today was boring as hell. It's Christmas break, and I haven't done anything today. Tana is at the trap handling business, so I really have nothing to do.

I guess I could call Ka'Niya to see what she's up to.

I FaceTimed her, and on the first ring she answered.

" Hey bitchhhhh!" She said.


" SHUT THE HELL UP!" My mother yelled.

"Girl mama be on ya' ass." Niya said, laughing.

" Girl I know, always yelling at somebody. Like girl hush." I said.

" What you doing today?" She asked me.

" Girl nothing. You know I never do nothing. I just be in the house." I said to her.

"Why don't I come scoop you, we could go to the mall and go shopping!" She said, happy.

" Ok boo, when will you be here?" I asked her.

" 1 hour." She said.

"Ok girl let me go get ready." I said.

" Me to, bye Kash." She said.

"Bye book." I said hanging up.

Since I showered like a hour ago, I just went ahead in my closet.I picked out A white Half shirt, and Snake skin Pants.
Kash's outfit.

My hair was already done, so I just did my edges

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My hair was already done, so I just did my edges. My hair was in a ponytail that had loops in it.

After I did that, I went to my moms room to let her know I was going with Niya.

" Momma I'm going with Niya. That's cool?" I asked her.

" Girl you don't have to ask me to go with her. You know I love her like my own." She said.

" Ok, Thank you ma." I said walking out her room.

I went to Kylie's room to talk to her since she's been so distant lately. She's always at a 'friends' house, and when she's at home she ignores us.

I walked into her room, and saw she was on FaceTime with Tana's brother.

" Let me call you back bae." She said before hanging up.

"Bae? When did that happen girl." I asked her.

" 2 weeks ago." She said.

"Well I would have knew sooner if you weren't always gone." I said to her.

" About that- I have something to tell you." She said.

" Shoot." I told her.

" I- I'm pregnant." She said breaking out in tears.

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