Chapter 19- Hoe Chronicals

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Santana P.O.V

"The fuck do you want Alexis?" I asked her angrily.

"I just came to speak to my husband." She said smiling.

"Gir- I was about to get real disrespectful. Now I advise you to leave me and Kash alone before you get fucked up again." I said slamming the door in her face.

"Baby what's wrong?" Kash asked walking up to me.

"Nothing ma." I said hugging her.

"Ok babe," She said walking back to the room.

"This nigga turned soft." Trey said making the guys laugh.

"My nigga you have a whole child." Boobie said laughing.

"That damn baby ain't mines." He said, mugging Boobie.

"Baby we have to go to the hospital right now! Kylie having the baby!" Kash said running in the living room.

"Oh shit! Let's go!" I said grabbing my keys and leaving out the front door.

As we were driving, Kash said something.

"Babe what about your friends that's at the house?" She asked me.

"They'll be ok." I said speeding.

Once we got to the hospital, me and Kash ran into there.

"What room is Kylie Smith in?" She asked the lady quickly.

"Um, 239!" The lady said looking on her computer.

"Thank you!" We yelled running to the room.

Once we entered, we already saw Kylie pushing, which was a surprise to me.

"Push Baby!" Kash said running up to her.

"Kash she almost here and I can't take the pain!" Kylie said crying.

"Girl you just better not be giving up on my neice like that because if you are we gone have some problems." Kash said smiling.

"Girl if you don't." Kylie said

5 minutes later

"I'm ready to GET THE FUCK... ASAP!" Kylie yelled.

"Oh god." Mom said face palming her self.

"Push one more time sweetie!" The nurse said.

"AHHHH!" Kylie yelled before we heard a cry.

"She's beautiful." Mom said looking at her.

Before I knew it, Kylie was slowly passing out in the bed.

"Gu- LOOK AT KYLIE!" I said on the verge of tears.

"Check her pulse!" The nurse yelled.

"No pulse." The doctor said.


6 months later

It's been six months since Kylie had the baby and things have been crazy.

She lost her pulse but then got it right back 3 seconds later. If god wasn't on her side,then I don't know who was.

"Hey Journey." I said to my neice.

Kylie ended up naming her Journey cause that's what it's been with her. Being a teen mother wasn't easy for her and I get that.

"Is aunties baby ready for some food food?" I said tickling her.

All she did was babble and laugh, my cute angel.

"Ok let go muffin." I said picking her up and walking to the kitchen.

"Hey mom." I said walking down the stairs.

"Hey baby." She said feeding Mason.

My mom had her 3rd baby and let me tell you, two baby's in this house was not a good idea.

One would be sleep and the other would cry, then the other wakes up and cry's and it's so much.

Me and Santana haven't been on talking terms and I don't know why. It just feels like he's distancing his self from me and I have no idea why.

"Let's eat eat." I said putting some chicken on Journeys mouth.

"Girl you stay spoiling her lil bad self." Kylie said walking into the kitchen.

"Baby Girl this is my first niece so of course." I said flipping my hair doing the B. Simon, making us laugh.

"Girl you should have your own child." She said.

"Babyyyy let me tell you Santana been acting funny." I said making a face.

"I noticed that to, he been acting harsh towards you sis." She said shaking her head.

"Yeah I-" I said before getting cut off by my phone going off.

"Girl what the hell is this." I said making a face before showing Kylie the video.

It was a video of A sex tape with Santana and some other girl.

"Kash." Kylie said checking if I was ok.

"Everything I been through with him, he give up on us easy?" I said tearing up.

"Let's go." Kylie said grabbing the keys and Journey.

"Ok." I said sniffing.

Heyy yallll!

I know I been away for like a month, but school is so FUCKING HARD.

I'm back up with these updates y'all.

Love And Affection- A Jayda Cheaves And Lil' Baby StoryWhere stories live. Discover now