Chapter 17- Key To Your Heart

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Kash P.O.V

3 months later

It's been 3 months since Santana has been in a coma and I really haven't been dealing well. The doctors say he has been getting better but he's not up yet. So is he really?

"Kash I'm about to go to the store, you coming?" My mom asked me coming into my room.

"Yeah, here I come." I said getting up.

The day after Santana was shot, my mom and Carlos sat down and told me what happened. Basically, Carlos was a kingpin and had many people on his back. He didn't want people to know he had children because he didn't wanna put us in harms way. He watched over us for our whole life, even though our mother didn't know.

I even found out Santana worked for him. I'm guessing he didn't know I was his daughter. He told me he gave away the title to Santana since he was the one he trusted the most.

I walked downstairs and once I got down there, I saw Kylie eating some pickles and cheese.

"Ew." I said making a face.

"Listen I'm 9 months, cravings not gonna get any better." She said flipping me off.

"Hey Y'all." Carlos said walking into the kitchen.

"Hey." We both said in unison.

"When y'all g- Kylie what the hell you eating?" He asked looking at her twisting his face up.

"Y'all leave me alone! Always bothering about what me and my baby eat! Leave me alone!" She said tearing up.

"Well I'm gonna go with mom to the store so see ya'!" I said leaving.

"Ok so please don't tell me your cravings bad." I said to my mom as we got into the car.

"Nope. Since this my third one, they aren't that bad." She said.

"Ok, can we go see Tana when we leave the store?" I asked her.

"Of course Baby. You know his birthday in 3 weeks, don't be so down." She said attempting to cheer me up.

"Yeah." I said looking out the window.

About 10 minutes later, we pulled up to Walmart and got out. We went over to the carts and I got one for the snacks, and she got one for the important food.

We walked over to the chips first and I got all of them that everyone likes.

"Yea Girl I heard he got shot. You know they say it was Kash fault, and if it was, he gonna come running back to me." I heard somebody say laughing.

I turned around to be met with the face that I truly hate with all my heart.


I simply tied my hair up and took off my earrings before running up on here decking her in her shit.

She was throwing wild hits but I continued fucking her up until I was pulled back.

I looked at her face and saw that she was fucked up. Both of her eyes was black, she had a busted lip, bloody nose, knots all over her face, and she was red.

"Keep His name outta' ya' mouth hoe!" I said letting my accent come out,

I was escorted out of the store and was at the car. I don't know if my mom was shopping or what.

10 minutes later.

"Kash why the hell you fighting !" My mom asked coming out the store with a cart full of groceries.

How the hell-

"She was talking about Santana so I wasn't gonna let it slide." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Ok." She said.

We got into the car after unpacking the bags and headed to the hospital. I was nervous about going to see him, but I really don't know why. I've been going everyday for the past 3 months.

30 minutes later.

We pulled up to the hospital and got out. It seemed like the more I walked to the entrance, the more my stomach twisted up.

Once we got to his room the felling got worse where I felt sick.

I walked in and sat in my usual seat and talked to him.

"Hey baby." I said kissing him.

"So tell me why today we was in Walmart and I heard Alexis talking about me and you. You know I don't play when it comes down to us so I had to check her with the quickness. I fucked her up and I don't care. She should have kept her mouth shut. But on the better news today, I made Kylie cry. I know it's terrible, but when she cries for no reason it's hilarious." I said laughing.

"But I just want you to know that I love you and I'm gonna continue to fight." I said squeezing his hand. "If I wasn't down I would have gave up, but I'm a rider so I'm never giving up on you. When we find that nigga, we gonna torture him til' his last breath. We Bonnie and Clyde." I said kissing him.

"I love you." I said holding his hand.

I don't know if I was tripping, but I felt him grab my hand.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Who are you?" He asked .


Tanny boo is awake yall😌.

Had to give y'all a little scare😂

Kash made up with her dad? I'm proud of sis.

See you later whores💚

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