11 | about hyuck

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it was an early morning, on my way to school all by myself. the sky was about to get brighter sooner or later, sunrise was awaiting and i'm excited to start another day. for some reason i'm happy, maybe the fact that i could wake up and get to know that i'll be able to spend time with jeno and especially huang renjun, without haneul complaining and disliking to see me with them. she's nice and all, but i don't approve that she wants renjun to stay away from me.

i started humming a familiar melody, smiling while firmly grabbing on my bag straps, deliberately kicking off the rocks that laid in front of my way.

"mayumi!" i heard a voice call out. i automatically smiled and turned around, saw renjun jogging his way to me. when he finally reached me, he sighed out and ambled beside me. "well, this give me the same vibes where we used to walk together to school." renjun smiled once a memory flashed through his mind.

"mhm." i hummed, grinning as well while focusing forward.

oh wow, another awkward silence was passing by. yikes.

"hey so uh." renjun finally broke it. "about yesterday, d-donghyuck was his name?" he spoke questionable as my head nodded. "mhm, tell me more about him... you know uh." he awkwardly scratched his head. "tell me more about... uh your friendship you know." he licked his lips, avoiding eye contact with me.

"what do you mean?" i queried, slightly confused about what he was asking me to tell.

"just tell me about you and donghyuck, your friendship... i wanna know what kind of friend he is since i wanna know because.... i'm still your...." he paused and wagged his eyes. "best friend right?" his wide eyes stared into mine, seemed like he was hoping to hear a specific answer.

i looked away and gulped. "uh yes." my respond made renjun sigh in relief. "i guess." i mumbled which he luckily didn't hear.

or is he? if he was, he should've been right beside me, but now i just wanna believe he still is. besides, i don't want him to not be my best friend.

"so please do continue, tell me about donghyuck."

"oh." i was unsure of what to start, i was still confused of what he's asking me to talk about. i pondered and decided to finally tell him about me and donghyuck's friendship.

"well... uh.." i pursed my lips. "we became friends after he apologized for being a mad costumer, it was very nice of him. there we began to talk, hang out and sometimes he comes and supports me when i was alone at work because sanha had day offs and... you yeah quit the job. he's just very nice, visiting me and being there for me when i was alone." i smiled while a picture of donghyuck popped inside my mind. "he's a nice boy." i added.

"oh." renjun blinked. "well, yeah he's is a nice boy. i'm glad he was there when i wasn't there for you." he grabbed tighter on his bag straps. "and mayumi... i'm sorry for just disappearing beside you for weeks. i should've have talked with you, approached you, greeted you or checked if you were doing fine... it was stupid of me." renjun sighed, letting his face hang down as my heart began to instantly melt.

"don't be." i murmured and placed my hand on his shoulder. "you were obliged anyways right? by..." i never liked mentioning her name. "by haneul right?" my question made him nod.


renjun lifted his chin, smiling weakly. "well what about this." he sounded suddenly a bit happier than before, it's a good thing. "i tell haneul, that i won't let her prevent us from being together. sounds good yeah?" he flashed a smile.

"yes!" i exclaimed happily as i felt the hottest feeling spreading throughout my chest.

maybe, this was finally the time i was waiting for. no, not specifically that one. but the time where everything would turn normal again, me and him together along with jeno and jaemin. well unfortunately haneul too. not to sound rude or anything, but i think she'll still dislike how i'm finally with renjun.

maybe because the fact that she knows i like him, she might think i'm trying to steal him away from her.

but who the hell stole renjun away from me? yes, hanuel did.

note: i love that song called sweet caroline! i heard it from the movie called idk, i don't remember but it's about volleyball and then she dies and so :(( so sad, i recommend to those readers who likes playing volleyball! :)

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