Chapter One

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Disclaimer: Hey guys, your author here. I wrote this story on a whim of a concept, and started it late at night. Therefore, it wasn't plotted out very far besides a traditional ending idea. So what I'm trying to get at is, it's more of a slice of life story than heavily plotted with lots of conflicts. This story was just one for me to drop my ideas and enjoy my time creating. I sincerely thank everyone who has read this, whether they enjoyed it or not, thank you. This is getting lengthy, so I will finish up. I will be writing another Jojo's fanfic with time, actually plotted and more work put into it. If that is more suitable for you, look forward to it. See ya :)

The crisp fall air whipped around you and the blonde boy's bodies as you pulled your steaming hot chocolate to your chapped lips. "Tomorrow, I'll finally be back." You smiled contently, glancing over at your best friend, Giorno, your e/c orbs locking with his.

You felt your face heat up with the sudden eye contact, you knew you had prominent feelings for him in the past but you barely saw him anymore and who knows how much he's changed, so you brushed it off and took another sip. "See you then, y/n." He waved you off with a bright smile that sent a wave of warmth through your wind bitten body.

"See you!" You yelled after him, cupping your s/c hands together before turning to the front door, silver key now in hand.

- - -

Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep! Your alarm clock blasted in your ear, causing you to slam down on the snooze with a fire of frustration in your eyes. "Damn those clocks." You whispered to yourself with a giggle, dragging your feet along the tan carpeted floor to your dark brown dresser.

You slipped on some simple skinny jeans and a f/c sweater, easy but pleasant on the eyes. After finishing your business in the bathroom you gulped down a glass of orange juice and ran out with a granola bar after a look at the clock. I will not be late my first day back! You frantically promised yourself, beginning to jog until a small hand grazed your shoulder.

Pausing, you spun around, face to face with a cute black haired boy, orange head bands attempting to tame the mess on his head. "Sorry for bothering you!" He began, "but we still aren't supposed to cross." You only then noticed the red hand gleaming from across the street.

Sheepishly rubbing the back of your s/c neck, you smiled at him. "Thanks, I guess I was just too worried about being late."

"Do you go to school here too?" The boy's purple eyes perked up.

"Pretty." You mumbled to yourself unknowingly, his eyes sending you into a trance.

"Pretty?" He questioned, gaining your attention with a gentle poke to your cheek.

"W-what? I didn't.." You began to ramble, stopping when he nudged you forward with his arm, the symbol to walk illuminating your face. You checked your phone, losing all hope of being on time. "Shit, I gotta rush I'm gonna be late." You hurried, turning to leave until he repeated his question from before.

"Do you go to the highschool here?"

"I just transferred back." You replied, smiling at his cheeky grin, "I didn't catch your name."

"Narancia. There's no rush, I'm going there too!" You almost laughed at the adorable look in his face, which soon darkened. "And don't worry, the teachers know not to mess with me."

"W-what?" You shook the look of his dangerous eyes out of your mind as his face brightened again.

"I thought I was dumb sheesh! I mean walk with me.."

"Y/n." You blurted, embarrassed by him calling you dumb, but nonetheless you strolled with him to school, the small talk and smiles with Narancia easing your anxiety for being late.

- - -

"Y/n! It's your first day and you're already late, detention after school." Your homeroom teacher spat, that is until Narancia stepped out from behind you. Coincidentally he and Giorno both had home room with you, but Giorno was chatting with a blonde haired boy next to him, his outfit was peculiar to you but you shook it off, sending Giorno a small wave.

"Oi Mr.Smith, y/n's with me." He gave him the side eye as you noticed Giorno peering up at you two, clearly confused at your newfound friendship with Narancia. You almost laughed at the teacher's inability to speak as you followed Narancia to two seats in front of Giorno and the boy with multiple holes dotting his clothes.

"Morning Giorno!" You smiled immediately turning your attention to him, head resting on your hand as your h/c locks tickled your face.

"Good morning." He regarded you with a warm smile, "I see you already met Narancia, well this is Fugo." He turned, revealing the blonde haired boy from earlier.

"I'm y/n nice to meet you!" You smiled, holding out your hand to him.

Reluctantly he took it, "you're from a private school?" Before you had the chance to answer, Mr.Smith cleared his throat.

"I will make sure of it all of you rascals get detention." As if on cue, the three boys around you shot glares at the poor middle aged man, "t-that is if you don't pipe down now."

With a sigh, you turned around in your seat, with one last smile to Fugo and Giorno, and your eyes connected with Narancia's eager ones.

- - -

The bell chimed throughout the school and you pushed your chair back into the desk, jumping when you noticed Narancia only a few inches from you, waiting for your attention. "Hm?"

"Y/n, do you need me to walk you to your next class? You were last here in junior high so don't try to fool me." Giorno huffed from behind you, causing you to spin around in fright, Narancia stabilizing you by your shoulders.

"Giorno! I was gonna, [she's/he's/they're] my friend after all!" Narancia pouted.

"Narancia, this is the y/n I told you was moving back." Giorno deadpanned, grabbing your stuff from the table.

"This is that y/n! Woah.." he pondered to himself, causing you to mentally face palm at the innocent boy's ignorance.

"What's your next class?" Giorno questioned, removing Narancia's hand from your clothed shoulders gently as he remained zoned out.


Giorno mouthed an 'O' and dragged Fugo back from a hole in his shirt before he could escape out the door. Fugo only nodded in an understanding way and motioned for you to follow him, mindlessly snatching your stuff from Giorno. "I can carry it myself!" You called after him, jogging to his side.

"That wouldn't be respectable of me. Anywho, how'd you get tied up with Giorno and Nara?" He questioned, looking over at you curiously, his purple eyes boring into yours.

"Giorno's a lifelong friend." You smiled, a light brush creeping up. "And I met Narancia on the way to school today."

"That boy sure trusts easily." Fugo muttered, turning around the corner with you glued to his side as a stray senior glared down at you. You didn't notice Fugo immediately sending him a fuming glare as your eyes were now focused on the poorly cleaned ground. "So how did someone coming from a private school end up late?"

"H-hey!" You groaned, your mood lightening up at the banter though.

- - -

You had survived your morning classes, the three boys had been helping you find your way and you were thankful. It was now lunch time, which meant hiding in the corner until you could find someone you recognized.

That's exactly what you did, clutching your tray, you tried to shrink into nothingness in the corner of the crowded lunchroom until a senior with white and black speckled clothes approached you.


Ch 2 Preview

"Oi, I heard you and our dear Narancia showed up late together, huh? What were you two up to?" The boy's smirked grew as he wiggled his brown eyebrows comically, a fiery blush erupting on your face as you spit out the orange slice with a series of coughs.

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