Following Along

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I ain't ever in my life seen Lavender like that. I guess she just got pissed off when she seen the guys that rapped her. I mean, i would too. Sh*t.. they didn't even rape me and i felt the anger and rage. I felt the kill. I am just happy that everyone that i care for is okay. I hope. I suddenly heard my phone ring and i seen Thomas name appear on the front. Thank God we are hearing from somebody. It's been 3 hours and we were all worried.

"Everything okay?" I answered the phone, not giving it enough time to ring.

"Yes, where yall at?" I told him the hotel and the hotel number so they can make their way over here. 

"I'm glad you're okay, Thomas." 

"I told you, i wanna know more of you beautiful. See you when i get there." I couldn't help it but blush. 

"See you." I said with my smile a mile wide. As soon as i got off the phone, Kaitlynne and Lavender were all in my face asking me were they all okay.

"They are fine, they are on their way. Lavender, you and Curt are sharing this room. Kaitlynne, you and Lawrence are sharing the conjoined room."

"Where you sleepiing at?" kaitlynne and Lavender asked together,

"With Lavender's mom. Thomas going to be in a separate room with Vince."

"You a heffer for that!" Lavender exclaimed. The f*ck she mean? We are not about to sleep in the same room when i just met his *ss tonight.

"It's not like yall sharing a bed!" Kaitlynne chimed in. 

"I jut don't feel comfortable." I finally confessed, shrugging it off. To be honest, after the fire.. i just can't trust men. I mean, i never did because of the way my exes would treat me, but now i really have something to back up mistrust. After i said what i said, Kaitlynne and Lavender just stopped the questions... good.


Today has been a hetic day for me. I am just ready to chill. I never thought that Curt's sister had so much gangster in her. She is so sweet! I guess if you get raped repeatedly then you would have some type of tought streak. Honestly, i would have done the same thing. 

I was scared out of my mind today. I thought that my boyfriend was going to be in a hospital bed, but he's strong. It would have hurt me if he would have left this earth without knowing he has a baby on the way. I guess that's another reason why i had to formulate a plan to help. My son or daughter needs their father in their lives. And he's going to be a good one too. 

The girls and I were laying around just chilling and watching movies until we heard knocks on the door. I am pretty sure it's Lawrence and "dem" (lol i got that off of set it off when they was talking about "Lorenze and dem" robbing the bank lol.. watching it on BET now.). 

I jumped up from my spot and looked out the peephole. Seeing that it was who i thought it was, i opened the door and everybody rushed in. Lord they look tired. The first thing i did was give my baby Lawrence a big kiss and hug. Gosh i love this man.

"Baby you look tired!" I exclaimed.

"Yea, just ready to shower and sleep next to you." Lawrence replied with a smile. Then he bent down to kiss me.

"I love you baby." I said from my the bottom of my heart.

"I love you too baby, so much.." Lawrence replied back to my love. Gosh i love this man.


"Aye, Tammy, can Vince and I talk to you for a second?" Lavender's mom asked. I followed them to the living room.

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