Curt and I's Announcement

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"So Ms. Lavender i see you came in here to get a pregnancy test?" The doctor asked Lavender.

"Yes ma'am.." Lavender replied holding her head down. I guess she is nervous. I want to feel some type of way about her being nervous when i told her that if she is pregnant then i got us, but i mean..... she is still young. I guess i understand... i guess.

"And this is?" The doctor asked refering to me.

"I'm her boyfriend Curtis, Curtis Andrews."

"Well i am so glad that you came here to support your girlfriend!" The doctor said with a genuine smile. I guess she kind of got used to the father leaving out on the teenage, pregnant girl. Nah that ain't me.

"Always." I responded. I then grabbed Lavenders hand and smiled at her. I need to try to calm her down.

"Alright" The doctor started "I'm doctor Lauren and the first order of business is to take a pee test. So, go to the bathroom outside on the left and then put the pee inside the little sliding, gray door on the wall in the bathroom. Once you are done tell me so i can get the test started and then go back in the room with this young man."

Lavender nodded her head and followed Doctor Lauren out to the bathroom. I lowkey hope she is pregnant.


After i did my pee test duties i headed back to the room. As i neared the room i heard Curt on the phone yelling at someone. I, of course, stood by the door and listened to the conversation.

"Thomas you need to figure this out soon or i will! Oh and trust me, if i have to figure it out then all these people involved gonna be dead."

"Look Thomas, they messed our lives up one time, but they aren't going to mess it up again!"

"Don't you love Tammy?

"Do you want to loose her?"

"Well that's the path you going down if you don't do this with me!"

"Look, i am not going to loose my girl for some n*gga trying to mess with my life."

"Well meet me at 10 then."


"What are they talking about? Loose me? Loose Tammy? Loose us to who? And more importantly, how are they going to loose us? Are we going to be killed? Are we going to be whisked away by someone elses love? How?" I asked myself. I then decided to walk into the room like i didn't hear anything. I am going to have to get to the bottom of this, and fast.

"Hey bae.." i said walking into the room and sitting back down on the small doctors office bed.

"I missed you!" He said smiling at me as he scooted his chair over to me to caress my hand.

"I missed you too bae!" I smiled at him. We sat in silence for a while. I guess we're bath anticipating these test results.


15 minutes passed by and Doctor Lauren came back in with the test results. I was kind of relieved. Just ready to get this over with.

"Are you both ready?" Doctor Lauren asked me.

We both let out a small sigh and then nodded our heads.

"Well Ms. Lavender, it seems to be that that you are a month and a half pregnant." Even though i kind of already knew i was still shocked.

I looked over at Curt to see the biggest Kool- Aid smile on his face.

"Yes! We're having a baby!" Curt finally yelled with enthusiasm. Mrs. Lauren was looking at us in Awe. I guess she is surprised to see that he is happy about it.

I decided to smile. I mean, a baby is a blessing and God has his mysterious ways of doing things so i guess that it was meant to be.

"I'm happy to have this baby with you Curt."

"Me too baby...." Curt and i talked to Doctor Lauren about our next appointment and then we left. All i have to do is tell Vince and my mom.... Oh God i have to tell Lawrence too. Well..... Curtis i deader than a fish in no water.

The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence. I decided to break it.


"Yes baby?" Curt looked over to me with so much joy in his eyes. I am so glad that he is happy.

"Let's call a family meeting."


"Vince, my mom, Lawrence, Kaitlynne, Tammy, and if Thomas wants to come then he can come. Oh yea, and Mrs. Heanen."

"Alright, as long as she don't bring that kid then we are good."

"I am pretty sure she won't since everything happened." Curt looked at me and smiled.

"When do you want to have it?" He asked.

"Now, at your house..."

Curt then sighed. I knew he was going to say no. "Alright baby, but prepare some food first then let's invite them over at 2pm. It's almost 12 now."

I smiled. "Alright bae, i can't wait to tell them."

"Me too." Curt smiled at me and the rest of the ride back to his house was silent. I decided to send out a text to everyone that says

Good afternoon! Curt and I have some very importnant news to share with you all. So if you will please come meet us at Curt's house by 2:00pm to enjoy food while we share our news with you. See you there!


                                                Lavender and Curt


After that was done i decided to cook dinner and prepare for tonight. I hope there is not drama.


Alright everyone that chapter was just a filler. The next chapter, you really don't want to miss it. It's very intense and just to warn yall... yall might be upset with me lol. But it has to be done lol

So yeeeeaaa


Tamiya Reed


"It's cold in AUGUST"

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