For my son, For my family

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Saddness suddenly crept over me as i heard the door shut indicating that Lavender just left. Not going to lie, i know she f*cking with that Darren n*gga. Don't get me wrong... her pussy tight as hell. It's just felt like something or someone else was in it. Sh*t, i know my pussy. I want to be mad at Lavender, but i can't. I have been gone for 2 years and he has been the only n*gga around her. I appreciate what he trying to do for my girl, but he gotta understand that she is MY girl. She love me too much to leave me and that's why i think it's time for me to come out of this coma. For myself, my son, my girl, and my family. This girl has been by myside and never left. She sees me 3 to 4 times a week and stay here for hours. They have to kick her out. When i get out of this coma i am going to marry Lavender and make that woman my wife. I don't care what she did with Darren. She's mine now.

I struggled to open my eyes, but i did. Man everything is so bright. I tried to get out of the bed, but instead i fell. 

"F*ck!" I groaned out. Can't believe i haven't walked in almost 3 years. I grabbed this chair and pulled myself up. I stumbled a little bit, but i started to walk. I took my IV thing with me and walked out of my hospital room. Lord knows this feels good. 

I walked up to the front desk and the nurse mouth dropped. "Um, Curtis Andrews... you're walking?"

I laughed "What it look like?"

She gasped "And talking? Oh my gosh a miracle!" She called the doctors to the front and they all had smiles on their faces when they saw me. I've been sitting in a bed for about 3 damn years so they let me just stand in my hospital room. 

"Are you in any type of pain?" The doctor asked me.

"Not at all."

"Great!" They ran some test on me and then when they came back in they told me that i could  go home tomorrow. I was so excited! I would call Lavender, but i want to surprise her and i can't wait. Damn, i get to have my family back.... i get to have my family back. 


The Next Day (Sunday)


I walked out of the hospital feeling like the happiest man on earth. I'm alive and i am feeling well. Time to go home to my family. I was getting to impatient inside of this taxi. 

"Hey man, is there a quicker way?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. We're at your stop sir." I looked out the window and sure enough he was right. I was at home. It's literally been years. I gave the driver a hundred and walked out. I literally ran up to the door. I rung the door bell atleast 4 times at once. Gosh this is the best moment in life. 


"Darren can you go get the door? I am in the bathroom!" Lavender yelled at me. I laughed... ol girl always taking a sh*t around this time. 

I walked to the door and opened, but i wish i didn't. I seen Curt standing at the door. When he realized who i was his face dropped. He just starred at me and i starred back at him. Finally Curt said excuse and pushed passed me.

"F*ck!" I thought to myself. I can't let him come back. He will ruin everything! I was so close to getting Lavender. I have to do something and do it fast. I looked around and quickly grabbed a vase off the small table. Before Curt could enter the kitchen i hit him upside the head with the vase. He fell straigh to the floor. Good, he's unconscious. Gives me time to hide him before waking up. 

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