Chap 7: her ideal house

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They ran back inside the house and stopped infront of Jungkook and Taehyung's room, it have Taehyung's initiale on it which is "K.T". Jungkook held the knob then open the door.

-"it's really the 'Taehyung style'" remarked Lisa.

-"it's the Kim style you mean" -Tzuyu looked at Lisa and the later just shurgged her shoulder.

-"he is really my other half, i'll love to have the same room" -he closed the door and they proceeded to the next room which is Sana and Tzuyu's room

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-"he is really my other half, i'll love to have the same room" -he closed the door and they proceeded to the next room which is Sana and Tzuyu's room.

-"i don't even know why we are in the same room" The girl statted.

-"oh come on Tzu, we know you love it" -Lisa teased and she just scoffed.

-"Let's see this room" -she said while letting out a sigh and opened the door with the initiale "S.T"

-"I don't know why but i think it's suit the two of you" -Jungkook pocked the girl while looking around.

-"it's too colorful for me" -she frowned and already left the room but deep inside she liked it and the other knew about it when they saw her hidden smile

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-"it's too colorful for me" -she frowned and already left the room but deep inside she liked it and the other knew about it when they saw her hidden smile.

-"which is next?" -Lisa asked while they stood infront of another door which is just infront of Sana and Tzuyu's room. The initiale in it is "K.Je". Lisa immediatly opened it and froze in her spot.

-"this scream Jennie's style af" -Jungkook covered his mouth.

-"It's all in black...." -Chaeyoung widen her eyes. "She must really love black"

-"i told you Lisa, you're dating a pyscho girl" -Jungkook teased her but she didn't listen to him.

-"i like it thought and not everything is black" -she smiled -"and we will have so much fun here" -she wiggled her eyesbrown and Chaeyoung hit her back making her laugh. But she is right, it's awesome.

 But she is right, it's awesome

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