chapter 27: Behind the scene

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-"today was wonderful!" -Chaeyoung sat flat on the chore then grab another can of beer. Now only her,Lisa,Bambam, Jeongyeon and Nayeon were sober while the other are all knocked out. Chaeyoung looked at them smiling tendrely, she is happy to be able to stay with them, thanks to Jeongyeon but something is still bothering her...Those two spirit that is after her,Are they that dangerous? She doesn't know but all she have to do is to stay vigilente or her happy world could get destroyed in a snap of seconde.

-"i think we should sleep now?" -Lisa asked while looking at her girlfriend sleeping on her shoulder.

-"they are all already sleeping" -Nayeon said looking at everyone.

-"we should wake them up so they can go to their respective tent!" -Jeongyeon said, Nayeon look at her from the corner of her eyes then rolls her eyes which Jeongyeon noticed but she shurgged it off.

-"i'll take Jennie there instead, I don't want to wake my baby" -Lisa said, she stood up then lift Jennie up so she can take her to the girls tent.

-"such admirable girlfriend!" -Bambam shook his head.

-"Unlike you, ah yeah I forgot you are single" -Nayeon tease him then laugh. Bambam furrowned while looking at her.
-"so let's wake them up" -Chaeyoung stood up and proceeded to wake her girlfriend first. Jisoo is lying flat on the chore while snoring, Chaeyoung giggled looking at her, she find the girl too cute.

-"love~~~Wake up" -Chaeyoung whispered on her ears. Jisoo slowly open her eyes then smiled widely seeing her girlfriend's face. She wanted to Kiss Chaeyoung but the later stopped her.

-"uhuuuu...let's go to sleep love" -Jisoo pouted making Chaeyoung chuckles. They finally made it inside the tent where Lisa,Jennie,Nayeon,Wendy and Sana were already sleeping. Chaeyoung successfully made Jisoo fall asleep again then decided to help Bambam with the others.

-"who's not in the tent yet?" -she asked Bam once she reached him.

-"Dahyun,Tzuyu,Seulgi and Irene are still near the wild fire, go wake them up. Me,I'll bring the boys to our tent" -Said Bambam with a knocked out Jungkook clinging on him. Chaeyoung nodded then proceeded to where the other girls where. As she reached them, she saw Jeongyeon facing Dahyun who is wide awake so she walk up to them.

-"hey guys... you should go to sleep now" -She said to them but the two were still looking at each other intensely. Chaeyoung looked at them confused but shurgged it off then decided to wake the two love birds Seulrene.

-"why are you looking at me this way Jeongyeon...You are making me uneasy you know" -Dahyun snircked.

-"This is my and Hanbin stay away from Chaeyoung"

-"If we don't want...what will you do?"
-"i'll kill you this time...I am strong enough to kill you two now"

-"I-..." -Dahyun got cutted off by Chaeyoung who is followed by two half asleep lady.

-"let's go guys....we really need to sleep now, it's past 1am" -Chaeyoung yawn then walked away. Dahyun just smirk one last time at Jeongyeon before following Chaeyoung and Seulrene.

-"Jeongyeon? You aren't coming?" -seulgi managed to say her eyes half closed.

-"yeah...coming" -She said then decided to finally follow them.

The next morning.

All the girls where still sleeping inside their huge tent. Everyone were excaused from last night so that's why no one haven't woke up yet, Lisa groanned when her girlfriends kicked her feet but then she goes back to sleep again. Nayeon is frowning while sleeping because she felt a strange presence beside her, she adjusted her position into a comfortable one then goes back to sleep peacefully this time. Chaeyoung is sleeping while cuddling with Jisoo and Jisoo is snoring loudly beside her.

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