chap 20: Stories

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Chaeyoung's POV

-"are you ready?" -Irene asked us and We nods our head. She smiles and told us to go inside the van. I'm sitting beside Suga this time because Jisoo got dragged away by Seulgi who wanted to say something to her. Namjoon is the last one to got inside, he sat on the driver sit and start the engine while we, the other who are sitting behind start talking to each other...

-"Dahyun ah! That forest you talked about... how it is?" -Hoseok asked her with his little shaky voice. He laughed at Jimin earlier but deep inside he is as scared as him.

-"hum... it's not that scary but it will make it, we still have to walk a few meters away then pass the rocky coast and finally we will reach this little forest that me and Hanbin used to explore" -everyone is listening to her, really curious about it. -"it's not that vaste so you don't have to worry about getting lost. There's no animals... maybe some but not dangerous for us and it lend to the other side of the beach which is mesmerizing so i think maybe we can build our camp there?"

-"that's a good idea Dahyunie!" -Namjoon said while focusing on the road. Suga groan and we all turn to him.

-"we still have to walk! So that mean we still have to carry all these stuff we need for the camping" -he complains and I chuckle at him. Irene shakes her head.

-"so do you want us, the ladies to carry all of them? Move your big ass for once" -Irene rolls her eyes at him but he just scoff.

-"Hey guys! How about we tell our story now? To kill the time and i think we will not have time to tell it when we will reach the entrance of the forest" -Seulgi suggested. I look at everyone who agreed to her.

-"ok, you tell a story first bear!" -Lisa wink at her playfully and Seulgi wink back then takes a deep breath before starting her story. Everyone is listenning to her attentively.

-"one day, that girl named Bae Joohyun..." -she got cutted by Irene. -"yah! Why the fuck am I in the story?" -she asks while raising her voice, Jungkook hush at her and she just rolls her eyes and let Seulgi continue her story.

No one's POV

-"okay... So Joohyun was a very beautiful girl, cute and smart. She never believed in ghost story and always told her friends that such thing is impossible regarding to science then one day her friend dared her to go to that haunted forest. It's haunted because whoever entered this forest never came back again... " -she stops a few second to see everyone's reaction and they are all fully listenning to her.

-"she just said that they found the other side of it and never came back because they just don't want to but this time she will be the first one to come back safe so... she bravely entered the forest. She walked gracefully not minding the weird sound around her, she kept on walking without hesitation, she walked and walked but it seems there is no end. She stops and decided to finally head back since the end is a little bit far than she thought, when she turn her head, she gasped at the view of a bear behind her. How wasn't she be able to notice it?? The bear was really big and terrifying. She screamed and immediatly run for her life! She checked behind her if it followed her and for her relief, it didn't. She sighs and close her eyes when suddenly she bumped into something making her fall on the grass, she raise her head to see what was it and to her worry the bear was standing right there infront of her, looking deeply into her eyes. But what really surprised her is that it started talking. He said "You! pretty young girl just meet the spirit of the forest! Now i have to devour you". Irene widen her eyes and was about to say something but the bear didn't let her and HE ATE HER!!!! ... the end!" -Seulgi ended her story and smile like an idiot.

Silent... that's how the audience was... silence until someone started talking, Tzuyu goes back from her trance and looked at Seulgi in disbelief.

-"what a shitty story" -Tzuyu commented making Seulgi drops her smile and glare at her.

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