Two Player Game

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Before we start this chapter I just wanted to let you know that I have changed the writing format. Enjoy!!

"Gesh Christine, there's no need to rush," Laurens exclaims as Christine legitimately sprints to the computer pressing the play button for the next part. After she rushes back to her seat not wanting to miss anything. "This song has quite a change of tone from the last song," Erix says as the song starts to come to life in the speakers.

Apocalypse of the Damned!

Level Nine!

The Cafetorium!
Michael and Jeremy's heads snap at each other so fast it could have given them whiplash. "The Cafetorium!" They both day at the same time as there musical counterparts. Heather Chandler and Heather Duke mutter something about them being nerds but Michael and Jeremy just ignore them.

Find the bad guy, push him aside
Then move on forward with your friend at your side
It's a two-player game, so when they make an attack
You know you got a brother, gonna have your back
Then you stay on track and--
Ah! Remain on course
And if they give you a smack, you--
Gah! You use your force!
And if you leave your brother behind, it's lame
'Cause it's an effed-up world
But it's a two-player game!
"That sounded so cool! It sounded almost like a rap!" Mulligan commented.

Dude, you are cooler than a vintage cassette
It's just that no one else but me thinks that yet
You're just a nothing in this high school scheme
But it's no big, 'cause you and I are a team
We like out-of-print games
Retro skates
Got a Pac-Man tattoo
Nobody here appreciates
But soon we'll be together where they do
"I don't mean to interrupt but do you really have a Pac-Man tattoo?" Martha asks shyly. "Absolutely!" Michael says with great pride as he pulls up his sleeve showing the tattoo. "Cool!" Both Martha and Heather McNamara exclaim. McNamara gets some weird looks while Hamilton and his crew wonder what Pac-Man is.
'Cause guys like us are cool in college
Cool in college, this I know
Guys like us are cool in college
We rule in college, listen bro
High school is hell, but we navigate it well
'Cause what we do, is we make it a two-player game
"Like me and Veronica!" Martha said. "Or me and Jefferson!" Exclaims Madison. "We are not like that. Well, sort of." Jefferson said mumbling the last part under his breath. Awww! Jefferson has feelings! Erix chimed. Jefferson decided not to say anything due to the fact that if he did the conversation wouldn't end for a while.

Watch out!

As losers, we have fought together for years
Both Nintendo zombies and our popular peers
Now we're stuck on a level, and I wanna move on
Evan chuckles, "I majorly relate to that first part." Conner nods in agreement while does Martha and Peggy. "Oh, Peggy you're not a loser" Angelica argued making Peggy slightly smile.
Just wait two years whereupon
You'll realize
Guys like us are
Cool in college
Cool in college, won't be lame

Dude, I know, I get it

Guys like us are cool in college

But we're not in college

All the same
High school is whack, but we have each other's back
It's me and you

We make it a two-player game


"Who as that?" Kurt pondered. "And are they here?" Ram said also questioning. "That's my dad, and why isn't he here?" Jeremy states. "Oh, he isn't here because he had to buy more pants," Erix explained. The only people who had not given questioning looks were the BMC crew.




You know that you are my favorite person
That doesn't mean that I can't still dream

Is it really true?
I'm your favowite person?
"That's kinda gay!" Kurt And Ram chuckle out. They both gave each other a fist bump because there burn was so "clever". Washington scolds them while King George III laughed at there stupidity.
Yeah, we're never not gonna be a team
High school is shit, and you gotta help me conquer it
It's just what we do

We make it a two-player game!

Find the bad guy push him aside!
Then move on forward with your friend at your side!
It's a two-player game, so when they make an attack
You know you got a brother, gonna have your back
Then you stay on track and--
Ah! Remain on course
And if they give you a smack, you--
Gah! You use your force!
And if you leave your brother behind, it's lame
'Cause it's an effed-up world
But it's a two-player game!
"Yay the rap part again!" Hercules exclaims with pure bean energy. Lafayette looks at Herc with adoration as he mentally Awwws. Christine is also really excited that that part was played again. "Honestly though! It's so catchy!"
Two-player game
Two-player game
"That was so cute!" Christine fangirls while most everyone was nodding. Michael and Jeremy were blushing from the attention.

Sorry for the update being extremely late and slow. School started a week ago and I have been up until ten doing WHAP (Worl History AP) notes.

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