Freedom is coming

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I blinked a few times, seeing blobs of green in front of me. I reach with my arm, it aching in pain and feel the blobs. Grass. My vision began to clear up a bit as I lifted my head, looking at the area surrounding me. I was directly where I landed, in the middle of the concrete circle. Blood stained the beige concrete, and from the wetness of it, I could tell it was new. It was my blood. I gawk at the window I once jumped through. It seemed so much longer of a jump from down here rather than up there. I was shocked at my ability to jump out of a hole that high off the ground. No matter now, I was out of the house.

I was almost free.

I stretch, making sure all my limbs were intact and stable. I was sore, my back ached as I sat up. I was covered in scratch marks on the left side of my body from the rugged ground. But other than that, it seemed I was fine. That was until I look down at my legs.

I rotated my right ankle and bent the leg attached to it. Seemed functional. Based on the locations of my injuries I assumed I fell on my left side. I did the same with the other ankle. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through my leg and I yelped in response. I lean over to get a better look. It wasn't broken, that's a good sign. But whatever it was it hurt like hell. I rotate my body to shift all my weight onto my right side and get up into a kneeling position. I lift my right leg and stand on one knee, forcing myself to get up. Testing, I attempt to put some weight on my left leg to see if it could support me. Another jolt of pain crept up from my ankle.

I knew I would have to deal with the pain if I ever wanted to escape. An hour of pain is worth a lifetime of freedom. I begin to trudge away from the house, putting as little weight as I could on my injury. Limping away, I head towards the road and away from the mansion.

I ponder for a moment if this was the right decision, stopping in my tracks. That steak was so good. Yes, it was the steak that was stopping me from continuing. While it might sound pathetic, that steak was the high point of my life, and I'll miss the opportunity to ever taste something so delicious ever again. I appreciated Mr. Issaac. He treated me more like a human than a Link. Even thinking of the word Link put a disgusting taste in my mouth. But as for Cassie?

Thanks for nothing.


I continued walking, pressing on. I heard about small underground groups of Links that escaped from human clutches from rumors at my old training camp. How to find one? I had no clue.

Maybe I should've thought this through.

No matter now, I had to keep going. I finally walked past the suburbs and entered a small, downtown area. It was completely dark, only a few dim streets lights lit the way. There seemed to be no one around. Just me and my thoughts.

That's what I thought at least.

I heard the sound of a motor. The audio sounded similar to Mr. Issac's car. I glance back, seeing headlights in my view. A car.

My heartbeat sped up. I knew with the collar stuck around my neck I would be immediately returned. I scanned the environment quickly, looking for a place to hide. Between two buildings was a small alleyway. That would suffice. I make sure the car was far enough away. The vehicle was moving slowly due to it being almost pitch black outside.

Links had great night vision, almost similar to the cats. Because of this ability, I was able to find the alley, run in the shadows, and end up safely away from the car squeezed between the two buildings.

"Phew," I mutter, wiping the sweat off my brow. My left leg was throbbing. I could feel it swelling up underneath me. I put my weight on the brick wall and slide down, resting. I was deep enough away from public view where I could sleep here safely. The breeze hit me, sending a chill throughout my body. It was cold, I was covered in dry blood, injured, and thirsty. But I was no longer a slave. And that's what mattered.


I felt a tap on my shoulder. I didn't want to get up yet. Just a few more minutes.

The tap grew more aggressive. As I became more conscious, I realized what this meant. Someone was here with me. I open my eyes as fast as I could. It was still dark out, but now, light was in front of me. A trash can was filled with garbage, and on top of it was a lit fire. Two men and one woman stood around it, attempting to warm up.

It was a weird sight to see. You would assume people who were huddled around a trash fire were either druggies or unfortunately homeless. These people were dressed well. Warm in fact. I was almost jealous of their heavy coats and hats covering them. The fire looked so warm, so soft.

"Aye look. It's alive!" The man who poked me cheered. He waved his hand in front of my face to test my reflexes. I swat it away annoyed, sitting up quickly.

"Good. We'll have some fun tonight," the lady said, stretching and walking over.

"State your name," the woman said, staring directly me at me.

"You don't need to know. I'll get out of your way," I say, attempting to sound more confident. The collar was a dead give away that I wasn't human.

"Oh, we moved over here to see ya. Could get use out of ya," the original man taunted.

"Either you are a Link, or a seriously kinky human," the lady chuckled, growing closer as she tries to inspect the collar. I move my hands in front of my neck.

"I'm the latter. Very kinky. SUPER. Kinky. It's a fashion statement," I groaned, knowing this lie would never work. The woman grabbed my hands and yanked them away from my neck. She pinned them against the wall behind me.

"Hey, Avery. Check the collar out. Is she human?" The lady asks. Avery, the man from before, peers at me then lifts my chin. He shakes his head as he looks at the collar.

"That looks like a Link collar to me," Avery confirmed, an evil grin appearing on his face.

"Aw. A little runaway Link huh? Perfect. Let's have some fun tonight, boys."

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