A New Master

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My heart thumps against my chest as Issac leads me outside of the car.

"Watch your step," he begins as he leads me to what I assume to be the porch of the house. I wanted to see. I wanted to know where I was going, what my new home was, anything at all. I sigh and follow his lead, letting him push me through doors and hallways. It seemed like this place was a giant maze. I had a feeling I wasn't going to find my way out for a while.

"Get on your knees please," he instructs gently. I wait a few moments just to annoy him, but then does as he says. I had to at least gain the trust of the father so they wouldn't put me back on the market right away.

"I'm going to take off your blindfold. In three, two, one!" I felt the silk lift off my face and I open my eyes. I squinted them at the sudden brightness, trying to regain my vision. After a bit I do so, and look around the room. It seemed like I was in a living room. I knelt in the middle of a floor with a large carpet in the center of the room. There were several couches, a tv, and a cozy fireplace. This was definitely the house of a rich family. I looked around for clues to see if there were other slaves. No chains, no handcuffs, nothing. I must've been the families first.

"Ok, so I'm going to face towards the entrance of the room. I'll be right back, I'm going to go wrap her other present. Stay here ok?" The dad asked excitedly. He seemed so innocent, like he didn't know the harm of slavery. I could tell he really cared about his daughter. My heart began to race as I noticed my primal instincts began to take affect. I didn't know why, or how for that matter. But something was alerting them. I close my eyes for a moment and attempt to calm myself down but to no avail. Mr. Issac walks back in the room and places a nearly wrapped box in front of me.

"I'm so excited! I really hope Cassie like her new gift. What do you think Kat?" He asks me. I was surprised he wanted my opinion; usually humans could care less.

"Well, you seem like you know your daughter well," I mumble, not exactly sure what to say. If I was allowed to have a family I would NEVER give my children a slave. He giggles like a little child and shocks me by giving me a big hug.

"Oh it's so true! Thank you so much! I can't wait to see the look on her face!" The father says excitedly. I hear a doorbell ring from the distance and Mr. Issac's head perks up.

"Well speaking of the birthday girl, here she is! I'm going to go let her in. Please don't leave," Issac said, already out of the room. The dad seemed so sweet I was becoming jealous. I was separated from my parents from birth, so I didn't really understand how it felt to have a loving family. A few moments later I hear footsteps from across the hallway. I was about to meet her. I was about to meet Cassie. I hear the door creak open and look up, not caring about the rule books anymore. My heart immediately jumped to my throat.

Cassie was tall. And I mean very tall. She wore a band shirt that I couldn't read and black, tight, skinny jeans. Her hair was dark and long, with a blue highlight in it. Besides the way she dressed, her personality didn't seem to match. She had an innocent smile on her face, and she looked at me in total happiness.

"Dad... Are you serious? Is she... Mine?!" Cassie squeals in excitement. Something seemed fake about this personality of hers.

"All yours pumpkin. But you also have to make sure you feed her, give her clean clothes, and the rest okay? Don't let her die on me," the dad laughs. A growl starts at the back of my throat. I felt like a dog, not even a person. Cassie walks up to me slowly and kneels in front of me. When her dad wasn't looking she gives me a small wink. I look at her in confusion but Cassie acted like it never happened. She sits down in front of me and begins opening the gift. I didn't know what was inside the present either so I was just as curiously as her. I watch her slim fingers with black nail polish open the box and reveal what was inside. Inside was... Well pretty much everything I hated. Shackles, ropes, a leash, a 'how to own a slave' manual, and a variety of other things I wasn't looking forward to. There was one item that really stuck out to me. I felt like it almost glowed in the light of the room. Inside the box was simply a black, leather collar. I gulp as I stare at it. Once Cassie put that on me, I was immediately hers until she took it off again. Rule Number four. Once you are collared you may not take it off. Your Master/Mistress must do so themselves. I continue to stare at it as she ignores the rest of the 'goodies' and places a hand over the collar.

"This is real papa? I can finally have a slave?" Cassie asks in an innocent voice.

"All yours."

She carefully, as if it was the most important moment of her life, lifts the collar up and unlatches it. She begins to slide it around my neck but a growl erupts from my throat halting her. I didn't mean to; I couldn't help myself.

"Woah now... I'm not going to hurt you. I have to put this on you to claim you," Cassie says, now moving forward again. I make eye contact with her but don't make another sound. She smiles at me, a certain twinkle in her eye that seemed familiar. She finishes placing the collar around my neck and latches the buckle together. My shoulders slump a bit as I realize what just happened. I'm apart of a family. A pet, but still apart of a family.

"What is your name, Slave?" Cassie asks in a stern voice. I blink a few times, noticing a complete personality change. She began to intimidate me a bit more for some odd reason.

"My name is Kat," I say in a monotoned expression, still locking eyes with her.

"Okay Kat. You will call me mistress from now on. Understand?" She asks in a strict voice. I nod my head slowly, my eyes squinting a little. Mr. Issac claps happily.

"My little girl is all grown up! Oh wow. 17? You're going to make me cry sweetie," He says, tears in his eyes. Their relationship was too innocent for me.

"Oh papa I'll always be your little girl," My new mistress says and runs over to her dad, giving him a big hug. I roll my eyes and stay put, slightly fearing what will happen next.

"Why don't you take her up to your room? You know, show her around and everything that will happen from now on. Your brother would most likely be excited to meet her too," The dad says.

"Stephen better not touch her though or I'll get really mad," Cassie pouts. She was definitely playing the innocent card on her dad, that was for sure.

"Don't hurt your brother Cassie. I'm sure we can make an agreement," He sighs. Cassie nods her head in approval and unlocks the hand cuffs from my wrists. She then lifts up the leash and pushes my head to the side. She attaches the leash to the side of my collar and pulls on it. I gag a little, but thankfully it didn't hurt. I followed her command and stand up slowly. Yes, in camp we had to learn the different commands of being on a leash. But I knew when we got into Cassie's room, she was going to learn what was really going on here. She was going to play by MY rules. I wasn't going to follow hers. Mr. Issac said one final goodbye and left us two alone. Cassie smirks at my and lightly pats my head.

"Don't worry my little pet, you're going to have so much fun with me."

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