A Forever Home

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After Ralph filled out all the paperwork and signed the contracts, I was off to an unfamiliar area. The man opened the car door for me and gestured towards the front seat. This I was very surprised about. Usually slaves sat in the backseat, or the trunk.

"Thank you Sir," I muttered, still not happy about the situation. Something about him was different from other slave owners, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"So Kat is your name. Interesting. I will have to catch you up on everything. You see, I'm not a big fan of owning slaves.." He begins. I cock an eyebrow at him, my face reddening a little.

"Then why on earth did you buy me?!" I snap, becoming slightly angry as he begins to drive. I wince and look down towards the ground, knowing I would be punished for saying that. To my surprise, he just laughed.

"My daughter has been asking for a slave for quite sometime. I do not want to own a slave myself, but if Cassie wants one. That's what I'm going to give her. As long as she keeps her grades up and is happy who am I to judge?" The father says with a smile. I close my eyes and think. Man, what it must be like to get an education. To know how to read and write; it's like a whole different language to me. I open my eyes again and nod my head as he continues to speak.

"We are going to take good care of you here. We're going to clean you up first and then take you home. No offense, but it seems like you could use a bath," the man chuckles. This guy thought everything was funny. I couldn't hide my smile. A bath? It's been forever since I was given a proper cleaning. The man interrupts my train of thought.

"Oh, I do not know if I mentioned this, but I will not be as strict with your rules as other people will be. You are not my slave, I do not control you. As long as you can respect me, I think we'll get along well," he says. The man had a jolly voice and an optimistic personality. He immediately reminded me of Ralph. While I was for sure not comfortable with the situation yet, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. After a few minutes of silence the car stops at a Link Center. Link Centers were places where humans would take their slaves in order to get them medicine, clothes, cleaned, and a variety of other tasks most people didn't want to do. The father steps out of the car and leads me into the building by the ropes on my hand.

"W-what should I call you?" I say, my voice slightly shaken up from the experience I've had so far.

"You can call me Mr. Issac. No need to greet me as Master or anything like that," he answers. He lightly pushes me inside the building and then begins to advert his attention onto a screen. The screen had several check boxes with words I couldn't understand next to them. He checked most of them and then looks down at me.

"I'm just checking off the things I want them to do with you. Haircut, bath, new clothing, all of that good stuff," he says as if he was reading my mind. I nod my head, only half paying attention. While this was only a Link Center, I had never been in one that was so nice and big. I must be in a rich part of town.

"Take a seat," Mr. Issac commands. I do so, glad I didn't have to stand anymore today. "This should only take a few minutes." Issac was exactly right. Almost right after sitting down two nurses filed in from a door.

"We're here for Link 5401.. Kat?" One of the nurses says. I look over at Mr. Issac and he gestures for me to follow them. I sigh as the two nurses lock arms with me and lead me behind the door. One of them crouches down and cuts the ropes that tied my wrists together with a pair of scissors.

"The rules are a little different here. You may talk if you have any questions or if we ask you a question. If we ask you to do something you must do so unless it involves harming someone else. You do not need to be in restraints, and if you have any questions on other rules you are welcome to ask," the second nurse says. I rotate my wrists, happy to get the ropes off and nod my head. They lead me into a room that look like a normal doctor's office. There they took my blood pressure, height, weight, and made sure I had no obvious problems. From there they gave me vaccines, and installed a tracker into me so I couldn't escape. Thankfully everything seemed to be going smoothly and it wasn't taking to much time. They were even nice enough to make sure I wasn't scared of needles.

"Alright, time for part 2, I hope you're not shy," nurse one giggled under her breath.

"What do you-" I begin confused, but my question was answered right away. I was headed towards the shower, and they planned on bathing me.

"Hands up," the nurses ordered. I did so, not wanting to have to wear restraints in the shower. One began to take my shirt off as the other unbuttoned my pants. Too most people this would be a little bit too touchy but I was used to it. They continued to undress me until I was fully nude. I sigh and shake my head, stepping in the ice cold shower. They took their clothes off as well but thankfully were wearing bathing suits underneath. The nurses began to scrub at my scalp and get all the muck and dirt off of me. While it was it a bit awkward to be in a shower with two grown women, it did feel nice to be clean once again.


They did a bunch more. They gave me a haircut, put me in new clothes, checked my whip wounds, and worst of all waxed all the hair off my body. Every. Single. Hair. My bikini area still stung by the time everything was finished, but I felt like a new person. I smiled slightly as they led me back outside to the waiting room where Issac still sat. In his hand he held a bag, but I couldn't read what the logo said on it.

"Splendid! Huge improvement. My daughter will hopefully love her new servant," The dad said cheerfully. He gave the nurses and extra large tip and began leading me out. He didn't even bother to restrain me. We both got into the car and he began asking me questions immediately.

"So how was it? They didn't accidentally cut you did they? I want you to be in perfect condition for my little pumpkin!" Mr. Issac exclaims.

"No, they didn't scratch me up at all," I say gagging a little bit. I hated pet names. "I feel cleaner, that's for sure," I state matter of factly. He nods his head.

"Good, good. We will be to your new home shortly. I will explain everything I want you to do there. Just a few simple tasks," he says trailing off. He continues his blabbering all the way to the house, but I just tuned him out for the most part.

"Hey Kat? Kat!" He calls out. I snap out of my daze and look at him.

Out of the shopping bag he was carrying before he placed handcuffs around my wrists. They were slightly tight, but much better than the rope burns I had to face before. He then picked up a blindfold out of the bag too.

"Our house is big. I don't want you to try to figure out an escape route, and I want her to be the first thing you see. You will have to wear this for now," he says.

I gulp and nod my head, terrified, yet slightly curious as what I was about to witness. He places the blindfold over my eyes and everything goes dark.

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