How I Would Act While Talking

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(yknow the part when the screen goes black and the words are there. y'all get it right?)

-*wheezing the entire time*
- or even making weird ass jokes and noises
-starting to do voices for the "ghosts" or "demons"
-"what we learn?"
-"and who's fault is that?"
-i'm too chaotic for this shit
- "ryan, let me see your resource cause i don't think it's creditable."
- morgan: (wheeze)
-"are we there yet?" "morgan, we are explaining the history!" "well ryan, i want to talk to the DEMONS"
-a little bitch to ryan and a decent person to shane
-"sister snapped"
-"can i bring a sharpie and write on the walls there?" "morgan, what would you write?" "y'aint real ghosts" *shane: (wheezes)*
-would put earrape audio in during editing when no one was watching
-*during the recording* "do you like fish sticks ryan?" "yeah?" "do you like to put them in your mouth?" "i guess..." "what are you? a gay fish?"
*morgan and shane: (wheeze)*
-south park references
-random and stupid facts that no one asked for
-cries from laughter

(and that it i hoped you enjoyed because i sure did. this is going to get 0 views but it's fine. i think i'm funny as shit though)

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