How I Would Act In The Sallie House

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-"this looks like such a nice house, y'know, without the demons and shit"

-*light turns on* (wheeze) "HE WANTS TO KILL US" *laughs hysterically*

-"i'm with shane, this is bs, ngl"

-"i'm not going to leave and you have to fucking deal with that..."

-"if we need to leave, my grandma lives like 10 minutes away from here"

-true fact btw, she lives in the next town over and i've driven past it (the sallie house) multiple times.

-sexually dancing and saying "if you want this ass turn the light on"

-basically being way more disrespectful to the demons than shane

-would tell shane or ryan to turn on some weird ass music and dance around to arouse the demons.

-i'm a bitch

-demons like me the best cause who wouldn't?

-would bring a vacuum to do that ghostbusters thing where they suck the ghosts in.

-stupid and in the dark, would run into the walls

-"shane, ryan, i fell on my ass again"

-yells and screams incoherent things so that the spirits come out and ask why.

-all you can hear from me is the sound of popping bones (fingers, knuckles, back, ankle, etc)

-would kick open a door for the shits and giggles

-"i should've brought my nintendo ds to pass the time." "why didn't you?" (pretending to tear up) "my mom sold it when i was in 8th grade" "morgan, you're a grown ass woman"

-asks the fish sticks joke because it's funny

-"oh my god, they killed shane/ryan"

-opening the window to "let the demons in/out"

-"heartless demons tf?"

-singing random songs that come to mind, to make the demons come out and tell me to stop

-would jump on the furniture cause if it broke it's not my problem

-while leaving, would do that locker slam thing on the side of the house and run to the car

(and that's a wrap bitches. i'm also aged up in the book to 29 because ryan is 28 and shane is 33)

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