How I Would Act In The "Season 2 Unsolved Marathon"

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Hey guys! I'm writing on my Chromebook so correct capitalization will be featured in this chapter! I am also sorry about how inactive I've been. My sophomore year of high school just started a little over a month ago and I'm extremely stressed out, but today I figured I would give you guys a treat and type along while I watch the marathons and do my work. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Episode 1: The Axeman

-"Shane, you shouldn't love this case as much as you do man"

-"THEY [serial killer baseball cards] EXIST I GOOGLED IT"

-"They have emotional attachments with their axes so they can't get rid of them"

-*When hearing the woman was almost decapitated* "Tough break bro"

-"He was just tryna deliver his muffins or some shit and BAM mutilated bodies"

-"Axeman? More like X Men...get it?"

-Making dumbass X Men jokes the entire time

-*After hearing about the woman giving birth to a baby during the attack* "I believe in female supremacy and I stand by that."

-"What did the elderly do to you, Shane?"

-"Wha-oh?? (wheeze)"

-"'Esteemed mortal?' Pack it up demon complex"

-"I live for your accents, Shane. Thanks for the serotonin."

-"The win-loss ratio doesn't look good here"

-Making demon jokes because this bitch thinks he's some sort of demon

-"Just imagine a family gathered around the record player or something while whispering 'we are jazzing it we will be okay' (wheeze)"

-"I once scraped my skin straight off of my knees when I was a kid because of the asphalt"


-"OH so we are blaming the mafia now? What a plot twist"


-*Finding out all of the victims  were Italian grocers* "He's Italian-ist and grocer-ist!"

-Eating some saltines during the ending dialogue because I'm a hungry human being

Episode 2: Boy In The Box

-"His box wasn't as cool as it sounded"

-"Shane you ALWAYS make conclusions like this"

-"Who's John Travolta?"

-Questioning Shane's movie references and Shane questioning mine

-"This young man is being uh kinda sus"

-Wheezing over Ryan's jokes about Shane's head

-"JCPenny? Hmm, always thought JCPenny was spooky."

-"Chill out blanket boy (wheeze)"


-"He said 'Okay son, you are going to go with the nice man while daddy goes and gets absolutely SMASHED'"

-"My short attention span could never work on the same case for 36 years"

-"I- What the hell is this? I would also like a visual of this shit."

-"Anytime you have to use the word 'technically', you're already in trouble"-Klaus Hargreeves from 'The Umbrella Academy'

-"He's having a nice little time on the ride...oh wait he's having a bit too much of a good time."

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