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"That fucking slut." Hoseok grumbled to himself.

Yoongi had just left their dorm without a warning which surprised Hoseok. He assumed it was because Yoongi had morning classes which would have meant that Yoongi was late to homeroom.

"Huh, little kitten can't do anything himself huh."

Hoseok walked over to his side of the room and looked over his floor.

Dirty clothes, plastic bags, water bottles, and some towels were on his floor. Hoseok sighed to himself. It was only the first day of school and a week in being in their dorms. Hoseok used to be in dorm 504 but was transferred down to 462 due to a leg injury he had so it would be easier to move from his dorm to his classes. He was a fast healer and had just taken off his cast but it was too late to move back into his old room. So now, he was stuck with Yoongi for better or for worse.

Hoseok hated being in his current room. The rooms very all very nice but everyone knew how the rooms were assigned. The better and bigger rooms were assigned to the richer people with more prestige. The higher the room number, the richer you were. And Hoseok loved expensive shit. Everyone on the fifth floor was probably all sons of famous companies or already a young entrepreneur. Fourth floor was for more of the gifted students such as music prodigy Yoongi who got in on a partial or full scholarship. And this was only for the East wing. There was also a West, North, and South wing. Hoseok was pretty sure Yoongi used to be on a full scholarship but then something happened and Yoongi moved down to a half scholarship. And that's why he started to service literally anyone who would have money on them. Hoseok knew and understood why there were people who would spend hundreds just for Yoongi to suck them off, Hoseok included. But the prize was Yoongi's virginity right? The virginity he still had somehow. Hoseok licked his lips. He would love to steal that away from Yoongi no matter how much it is.

Hoseok surveyed the room one more time and looked at Yoongi's side of the room. It was fairly clean with his bed all made as well as some cute plushies to the side. The school had also offered to put in a piano by Yoongi's desk which he gladly accepted. Hoseok looked back to his messy side and sighed. He got to cleaning his room as he was free for the morning. He was sweeping the floor when he got to Yoongi's side and scoffed.

"Is he a cat or something?" Hoseok asked to himself.

Yoongi's white fluffy hair was literally everywhere.

Hoseok grumbled and swept that up too. He was around Yoongi's desk when he saw a post-it on the ground.

"Music Department auditions today-2nd period!!!!" was written neatly by what it seemed to be Jin hyung's handwriting


Rap- namjoon

Vocal- worldwide handsome me and teachers

Dance- Mr. Sungdeuk

Hoseok's eyes widened. Holy shit THE Son Sungdeuk? DAMN. Hoseok was an underground dancer and a very popular one at it too. He was countless awards at competitions which he easily won. By now he had enough prize money to start a dance company. It was getting mad easy if he wasn't gonna lie. But to be coached by Mr. Sungdeuk could mean more challenges right?

Hoseok flipped the post-it note to see if anything was written on the back.

"Hmph no nap time between first and second" was scribbled with Yoongi's messy handwriting.

Hoseok smirked.

"I think I might be paying kitten a little visit today..."


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