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My heart pounds against my chest, as I watch the familiar body emerge from the crowd. The music from the concert sounded almost echo-ey, (but it was probably the alcohol), as I watched her.

The past two weeks have been weird and seeing her now felt unreal. I fucked up, I can't even lie. Jake told me how she hadn't really been herself. She wasn't talking to the others like she normally does.

I gripped the red solo cup in my hand as Salem got closer. She was holding onto Xepher's arm, anxiety clear as day. She never had been good around crowds. The small little area was getting crammed quick, and I mentally thanked myself for getting here early.

In all honesty, I didn't want to be here. In two days I would be flying back home for Christmas and I hadn't even started packing yet. I didn't want to go, but I needed to see my family and old friends.

Salem looked heavenly under the multiple flashing lights, she didn't seemed as stressed in the moment. She had an arm linked around Jake and another around Xepher, while the three of them swayed back and fourth, not caring if anyone was staring from their horrible singing.

Salem stood not even a foot away from me, checking her phone as MGK was getting ready to sing his last song, "Let You Go". Sa and I had always sang this song together at parties, we listened to it together at least twice a day. It almost felt weird, knowing we wouldn't be singing it together at a concert. nothing serious, just one of the many things that became our thing over a period of time.

"Guys, I can't see.", Salem whines as she jumps up and down. She was to cute.


Griffin and Jake were blocking the view, and MGK was literally about to sing my all time favorite song. I smacked their backs, causing everyone to laugh. Letting out a huff of air, I try my best to step aside so I could see.

My eyes fall on Colby for the thousandth time tonight and I almost choke when I realize that he's already looking at me.

do I say something, or walk away? our song is literally about to be playing, it'll be so awkward.

Liquid courage get's the best of me and I step forward, he looks way to good to ignore. He shoves his phone into his pocket, looking at me as I stop, "hi."

My stomach turns as I keep my gaze on him, he looked amazing under all these lights. I felt relieved to physically see that he's good, and even better now that he's spoke.

apologize for over reacting.

"Hey..", the familiar song starts playing stopping me from apologizing. Colby looks at the stage, then back at me, moving a single hand out of his pockets, for me to take.

I grab ahold of it, and let him pull me into his chest as he wraps an arm around my neck.

im enjoying this to much, for my own good.

I place a hand around the slightly tight arm, just so I didn't lose my balance underneath his hold.

Devyn shoots me a thumbs up out the corner of my eye, and Jake is hip thrusting, to who I assume is Colby. I shoot her a genuine smile for once, I was happy in this moment. Even if it was completely the alcohol making him act like this towards me, I could care less. I want to take in this moment forever. We didn't need to worry about our problems in such positive and heartwarming vibes. We were all out as a group again, and nobody was arguing. Nothing was awkward, just carefree listening to our favorite rappers.

I look up at Cole, catching his eyes just as the song begins. I stare at him for a few good seconds before I realize I should be watching my favorite song be performed live, not him. But Colby doesn't mind, he pulls me against him tighter and whispers softly that he missed me. I didn't pay attention. I sway our bodies perfectly together, and begin belting out the lyrics, making him softly laugh.

"YOU'RE LIKE MY DRUG, BUT I CAN'T GET HIGH OFF YOUU!", Colby sings perfectly on tune making my knees buckle almost. This kid had so many hidden talents, and he surprises me more and more, each they are shown.

Pushing my thoughts away, I sing along with him as we held our beers in the air, moving them back and forth. A girl a couple rows ahead shoots me a smile when my eyes land on her, and I do the same, getting warm inside.

people can be so fucking sweet. 

Call me crazy, but I swore MGK point and wink at me.

I'm ready to take on anything the night throws at us.


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