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That's all I've felt for the past two weeks. They say emotionally a heartbreak only last a couple of minutes, the rest is you overthinking... But I swear I could feel that shit in my chest. I could physically feel that shit breaking more and more everyday.

I wouldn't say I was in love, because I wasn't. I had definitely developed a love for him in those few weeks. Rose had left me behind for modelling, as would I, and he had became my best friend after the night we met. His friends had welcomed me with wide arms, and they became my best friends as well. I hadn't talked to any of them, aside from Jake, it was part of my healing process. I was scared to associate with any one or thing, that had to do with Colby.

"Can you stop eating all the popcorn, hog.", I smack Jakes hand, annoyed. I was tired of being alone in this apartment, so I made the mistake of invitinf Jake. Since everyone was leaving for christmas vacation, I didn't really have any photoshoots booked. My mom had left for a cruise, Andrea went back to Indiana until the end of December, and I was stuck here. Jake was planning fo fly to Kansas the night of the twenty third, which was three days from now, so we figured we could hang out and save each other from boredom.

This wasn't anything new, or a way to get back at Colby. We hang out quiet frequently alone, or if I had stayed over. I clicked with him the best, and I was drawn to always talk to him. He had a great outlook on life, I love when he offers me advice. He always told me what I needed to hear, not what i wanted. And god, he can make me laugh. Just his facial expressions or reactions, was enough to make me almost wet myself.

"how about you shut the fuck up and pay Shrek his respects, huh?", Jake raises his eyebrows at me, nodding his head towards the fairly large TV screen in my living room. I toss a piece of popcorn at him, hitting his eye, before watching the movie. A small smirk plays at my lips as he gasp, and I can't help but laugh.

Jake quickly jumps up, almost tripping over the in -table, raising his fist at me, "You wanna fuckin go, I'll kick your ass."

I stare at him blankly, as he continues to move his hips in a circle, while moving his fist around. To say he looked ridiculous, would be an understatement, but that was Jake for you.

I open Instagram and motion for him to keep going once I'm holding the record button, "don't ever throw a piece of popcorn at me."

He throws soft punches at the camera as he mumbles a bunch of threats, I was literally in tears by time the video was over.

Jake plops down on the couch right beside me, our thighs brushing against one another, before he stares down at me with an arm around my shoulders, "don't mess with me, Sa."

okay Jakey, I won't mess with you.


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