Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first story so it's not that good. I hope you like! Please vote or comment, even if it's bad so I know whether to keep writing or not! Enjoy (:

You should also go check out OfQuestionableSanity's stories. She is ah-mazing!


I looked up at the ivy-coated building and for a second my nerves subsided. However it was only a few seconds before they returned, knawing at my stomach. The car that had dropped me here had already disappeared into the black night. I was left standing there with my suitcase. Boarding school. I shivered as I made my way up the front steps to the entrance.

"Who are you?" Asked a man at the door.

"Oh, I'm new. Savannah White." I said.

He just grunted and opened the door. I walked in and my jaw dropped at the beauty of the place.

"Welcome to Ivydale Boarding School." A stern voice spoke.

I quickly spun around to see a tall lady staring at me.

"You must be Savannah White." She stated. 

I nodded in repsonse, not wanting to upset her by saying the wrong thing.

"I'm Headmistress Pacey. Your brother should be here to take you to your dorm." She told me while looking at her watch.

I let out a breath of relief. My brother. God I'd missed him. He was sent here 3 years ago and it had been 6 months since I'd seen him. Now I was being sent here too.

"Savannah!" A deep voice yelled.

I turned to see my brother running down the grand stairway. A smile instantly lit up my features as I took in his familiar face. He ran straight to me and picked me up off the ground, spinning me around excitedly. Jesse may have been my twin,  but he was a lot taller and obviously a lot stronger than me.

"God I've missed you." He whispered into my hair.

I hugged him tightly as he let my feet touch the ground, enjoying the feel of being in his safe arms once more.

"I'll leave you both. You can come see me at 12 tomorrow Savannah." The Headmistress said a bit awkwardly before turning and walking away.

"Wait, what dorm is she?" Called my brother.

"62." She called back before disapperaing around a corner.

Jesse looked down at me with a grin though it slowly faded and he sighed.

"Are you alright Vee?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I said quietly.

"Come on." He said as he picked up my suitcase.

We walk through the deserted school and I made sure I took it all in. There were 4 buildings with a beautiful courtyard between them that contained seats and a fountain surrounded by grass. There was also big sports fields behind all the buildings, not to mention the tennis courts and swimming pool.

We made our way to one of the four buildings and as we entered the lobby I noticed a few people shuffling around similiar to zombies.

"This is the dorm building." My brother informed me quietly.

"It's co-ed?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Yeah, you'll have a room mate." He said shrugging.

Great, I thought. It was hard to keep secrets hidden from someone you lived with. That's why it was easy to keep them from my brother. He was here the whole time. I bet he was popular, he was pretty good looking I guess and sporty. I sighed.

"Vee? You can talk to me you know." Jesse said quietly.

I could feel my eyes threatened tears and quickly looked away from the concerned face of my brother.

"Does anyone know?" I asked.

"No." He replied quickly.

"Good." I said as I studied the carpet.

My brother said nothing more as we walked through the building and then up a stairway. We went up four floors before entering a corridor. We walked for a while before my brother stopped in front of me.

"This is it. I've got to go. I've got school tomorrow." He said not meeting my eyes.

That's right, it's thursday. I nodded and turned to the door. I heard him sigh again as he disappeared into the dark hallway. I knocked on the door and heard some mumbling and swearing before light suddenly shone over  my feet.

The door then opened to reveal one of the hottest guys I'd ever seen standing there, in nothing but boxers. He had blonde hair that curled in front of his blue eyes and beautifully tanned skin. Not to mention abs. I stood frozen.

"What?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Um... I'm your room mate." I stuttered quickly.

He eyed me up and down before shrugging and moving out the way. I walked in quickly, ignoring his gaze that I could feel on me. My cheeks started to flush and I quickly distracted myself by looking around the room. 

It was a decent size. There were bunk beds in one corner with a desk in the other. There was a couch next to the desk against the wall. A window pointed out over the sports field.

I noticed two doors next to the bunkbeds. One I'm guessing was the bathroom. The other could be the closet maybe.

"Done looking around the room?" Asked the guy with an amused voice.

 I spun to see him still standing there.

"You have the bottom bunk and the left side of the closet. My name's Jacob Mars. You are?" He asked with a smirk.

"Savannah." I said quietly.

"Well if you don't mind Savannah. I'd like to get back to sleep." He stated before climbing to the top bunk.

I opened the closet door and see it's a walk-in. A pretty big one too. I rolled my suitcase in and got my singlet and pyjama shorts out. I quickly changed then went back into the room. I saw that was Jacob facing the wall on the top bunk.

 I quickly switched the light off and made my way to my bunk before getting into bed. I lay there for 10 minutes before the tears started streaming down my face. I sobbed quietly, drifting into an unpleasant sleep.

I'm sitting in a dark space, a closet. I'm breathing heavily. I hear a scream and cover my ears, tears streaming down my face. The scream stops and it's suddenly silent. I slowly bring my hands away from my ears. That's when I hear it. That voice.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." It taunts.

My heart races. No, no, no, I plead. I hear a door creak open and my eyes widen. He's in the room. I hear his footsteps, trying to figure out where he is before then they suddenly stop. I freeze, my heart pounding in my chest. Suddenly the closet door flies open.

"Found you." He grins.

I screamed and sat up in my bed. I could feel the tears on my face, my heart pounding. I looked around and saw the sun shining in through the window. I sighed. Just a dream I reminded myself. My hand instinctively went to my stomach as I ran my fingers over the disformed skin there. Just a dream... this time. I got up to see that it's already 10am.

Yay, my first days begun.


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