Chapter 19

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There were flashing lights.

Voices shouted around me

My vision was blurry and clouded.

Someone shouted my name.

A light shone in my face.

Someone called my name again.

I moaned in response.

Sirens sounded.

I saw Jesse.

I felt pain.


I could hear voices, talking and crying. They sometimes talked to me or to other people. I never saw who was talking, just blackness. I felt searing pain at times and then I felt none. There were more voices. I couldn't recognise them even though they seemed to know who I was.

They talked and talked, yet I still couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't repsond though I did try. I would shout and scream but they never seemed to hear me. My lips never moved. My eyes stayed shut.

Images also flashed through my mind. A face. A mans face always seemed to be there. Sneering in the corner of my mind. I couldn't escape. I also saw dead bodies of people I felt I should know but didn't, they were faceless.

I saw blood, lots of blood. I saw a silver knife and a gun connected to the blood. I heard cries of pain and screams yet the voices never seeemed affected by them. I saw two adults smile before they turned into pained expressions and they droppped dead. Their screams loud.

Still, the voices talked to me, telling me to wake up. Yet however hard I tried I couldn't. I was stuck here, images flooding through my mind, while all the time the man watched and laughed. He controlled me, made me scream out in fear, made me cry and bleed.

Still the voices talked, saying I was safe. Reminding me to stay strong.

I heard gun shots. Loud. They would ring in my ears, taking a long time to fade away. Everything froze after them bthen a faceless body would fall. I would have three faceless bodies at my feet. Covered in blood.

There were another two bodies, not dead but bleeding. Stained red. They were affected by the gun shots. They would scream and cry and I could never reach them, never help them. They would scream words of hate, they blamed me.

I was the only one the knife affected. It was only my blood that ran when the silver flashed. I would cry out. I would run but it was red, red all around. I would hear his calls and yells and footsteps. I would see his shadowing looming over me. Blocking out any light, any hope, any happiness.

I would trip over the faceless bodies and the knife would descend upon me and I would feel the pain burn through me. I would feel it slice me and more blood would spill. The faceless bodies were my weakness, my obstacles. I would always fall. Always.

All the while the man was standing there, watching, taunting, laughing. He would walk over the bodies that I fell over. He would never be affected by the gun or knife. He would run after me, his laugh ringing through my ears.

He would catch me, hold me, beat me.

I would cry and scream and lash out but I could never reach him. His was the only face in my mind, everyone else had none. They would run from him, cower as he walked past.

He ruled all.

He controlled all.

He killed all.

He killed the faceless bodies over and over.

He would chase me.

He would stab me.

He would laugh.

He would mock.

He never let me go.

He never let anyone go.

He ruled all.

He held a gun to me, for the first time. He laughed and red tinted everything. The faceless bodies were there, deadly silent or loudly screaming. They were red. They were dead.

The gun stayed on me, for a long time. He held it pointed at my face. He would whisper things. Words of hate, words of evil, words of death.

I would try block it out but they crept into my ears, I could always hear them.

The voices got further away, quieter. They would never block out the man's voice. The man who tortued me. The man who had no heart.

The gun seemd to get closer until it was right infront of me.

He loomed above me, alot bigger then I was. He cast his great, black shadow. He was cold and vicious and his whispers turned to screams and no other voice could be heard. Not the voices of outside or voices of the faceless bodies.He shouted abuse, screamed insults all the while blood dripped around.

Then he pulled the trigger.

The bullet shot out the gun.

 I could see it coming to me.

Blood was everywhere.

Screams filled my ears.

Faceless bodies fell again.

Then it hit me.

My eyes opened.

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