Chapter 18

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Henry motioned with his gun to the door so I walked over. He looked expectantly at Jesse, who followed. We walked out, leaving everyone to watch us leave with the killer. We walked down the corridor before looking at him, wanting to know where to go.

"The field." He said smirking.

We walked out into the cold air and found we could see better then we could before, the moon was bright and lit everything up. Jesse and I walked next to each other towards the field. We both knew what was coming, we were going to die.

I reached out and took his hand and squeezed it. I loved my brother, he was my twin after all. He squeezed back and I felt tears once again sting my eyes.

"Stop." Henry said suddenly.

We were in the middle of one of the soccer fields. We turned to face him. By now tears were streaming down my face silently. Henry smiled his disgusting smile at us.

"I never knew they had a son." He said, amusement in his voice once again.

"You should never have found out." I said.

"Oh but I'm glad I did, see now I can have more fun. I've already made you listen to your parents screams so I think it's your brother's turn to listen to yours." He said.

I looked at him in horror then at Jesse, I could see he was glaring at Henry but I could also see the fear.

"You weren't a hero kid, you just earnt your death." Henry said laughing.

"They'll catch you, you'll rot in hell." Jesse spat.

"Ah but you see, they won't get me. They're stupid, cops are. They won't come here for the rest of the night because I set up a little suprise for them." He said with an evil glint in his eye.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Now now, lets not talk about them. We've got much more urgent things that need attending to." Henry said as he suddenly lunged forward and grabbed me.

He yanked me away from Jesse, tearing my hand from his. Jesse let out a yell and went to grab me but I felt the barrel of the gun pressed against my head. Jesse froze as he stared in shock.

"See you come close I'll shoot you." Henry said, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I want you to shoot me and not her!" He cried.

"No no you don't understand, I'll shoot you so you can't come closer, in the leg maybe before I continue with your sister." He said.

I started shivering, what was he going to do to me?

"Please, don't hurt her." Jesse suddenly said.

I could see the fear written all over his face. He was no longer hiding it as he stared at me. Henry just laughed and pushed me to the ground before spitting on my face. I cringed and wiped it off and looked up at his sneer.

"You're going to die tonight. A slow, painful death." He said, his eyes never leaving mine.

I felt more tears surge forward and leak over my eye lashes and then quick as a flash Henry bent down and slapped me, hard across the face. I let out a whimper as I felt the sting. I turned to Jesse and saw him looking at me helplessly.

Then I saw the glisten of the knife. I saw it in on hand while the gun was in the other. Henry knelt down and stroked my face with the back of his hand. I turned my face as far away as I could but it made no differnce, just made him chuckle.

"You should've been my child." He said, whispering in my ear.

I looked into his emotionless eyes. This man had no heart, I was sure of that. He killed and hurt and only cared about himself. I didn't believe that he use to love my mom, I didn't think he was capable of that emotion.

I thought about my parents, how amazing they'd been. They were so inlove with each other. Whenever they were together you coudn't help but smile.

My mom had been gorgeous. She was kind and caring and thought the best of everyone. She always gave people second chance and never judged. How could she have known someone like this, even she must of seen the cruel monster he was.

My dad had been cool. He had been funny and witty yet he also cared. I'd always been his number one girl and we'd done so much together. He was the best dad I could ever have asked for.

I looked at Henry and felt anger and disgust boil in me. I was glad this thing didn't have children, I was glad my mom hadn't chosen him.

I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts as I felt a searing pain in my leg. I let out a scream and looked down to see he had cut right across my thigh. Blood oozed from the cut and dripped onto the ground. I cried out in pain as he pushed on it with the gun.

"Hurt does it?" He asked mockingly.

I glared at him as he chuckled to himself. I looked over at Jesse who was looking at me with wide eyes. Henry saw us looking at each other and slapped me again. The sting from the slap blocked the pain from my thigh for a second before it subsided.

"You deserve all of this." Henry said, his joking mood disappearing.

I could see anger in his eyes and knew that this was going to be painful. He blamed us for our parents getting together, he thought it was our fault that our mom hadn't chosen him.

I suddenly felt my shirt being pulled up and looked at him with wide eyes. He studied the scar he had given me months ago and a small smirk appeared on his lips before he looked up at me.

"Did that hurt?" He asked.

I gritted my teeth as our eyes stayed connected then he plunged the knife in my stomach, where the scar was.

I let out a scream as my vision blurred from the pain. Everything seemed to focus on the pain from my stomach. I couldn't focus on anything as waves of pain ran through me, I couldn't stop screaming as each wave washed over me.

I could vaguely hear his laughter but I didn't think about it. I just wanted the pain to stop. I looked over at him, my vision still blurry and saw him looking down at me, smiling. I just that I wanted him dead and gone.

He pulled the knife out and my hands instinctively went to my stomach. I felt my fingers get covered in blood. I didn't care, I just wanted the all too familiar pain gone.

I looked back at Henry again then felt him collapse on me. I let out another scream as the knife pierced my hip. Suddenly he was off me again and I looked up to see Jesse looking down at me. What was he doing? Henry would kill him.

Then I saw the gun in his hand. I hadn't heard it go off. Henry must still be alive because the knife was sticking in me.

"Henry." I choked out.

Jesse's eyes flickered to him and he pointed the gun, a look of pure rage on his face. I closed my eyes, feeling darkness threatening to overcome me. I heard a bang and forced my eyes open. I saw a undescribable look on Jesse's face.

I turned my head to see a limp Henry, was he dead?

Suddenly there were yells and lights. It hurt my eyes to look at so I closed them and once again the blackness threatening to take over me.

"Savannah!" I heard a distant voice say.

I tried to repsond but my lips wouldn't move. My eyelids were suddenly pulled up and a bring light was put right infront of my eyes but it didn't really bother me, I was too focused on how the darkness took away my pain. I moaned and moved my head away, wanting the darkness again.

I was aware of lots of voices now, all talking and shouting. I couldn't hear Jesse anymore. I suddenly felt more pain as I felt as if I was floating before I was on a hard surface again.

The voices were all talking to me at once but I ignored them, I could feel the blackness coming and I welcomed it. The pain started going away and I smiled as I finally drifted completely into the blackness.

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