Chapter 17

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Jacob and I stood there in silence, listening to Henry walk along the corridor. We then heard the door at the other end open and close. Jacob went to talk but I held up a hand. I knew better then to think he had actually gone, with Henry it was never what it seemed.

We continued standing there in silence and sure enough we both heard the sound of light footsteps. He was trying to trick us. Neither of us trusted moving an inch and we stood there for a long time before our eyes widened at a new sound. Someone was running up the stairs.

I closed my eyes and begged it wasn't Jesse and we both heard the door open and someone burst in.

"They're in the dining room." The voice said, I recognised it as Matt.

"Oh good." Henry said and we heard them both walk out.

I turned to Jacob.

"Why would they say we're in the dining room?" I asked.

"I don't know but I don't have a good feeling about this." Was his repsonse.

"We have to go down." I said.

"No." He said straight away.

I stood there in the dark and stared at him. Had he not realised I couldn't let him hurt all those people. If he didn't find me he'd go back to hurting them. It had worked once, he knew it would work again.

"I have to." I whispered.

I could see the emotions flashing through Jacob's eyes. He wanted to protect me but he also knew that he would be hurting those people for us. He didn't want it either. We both jumped at the sound of a gunshot and I looked at him with fear before rushing to the door.

Jacob follow me and we left the room and ran to the stairs. We didn't run down them though, we went quietly, always listening for someone else to walk onto the stairs. When we reached the bottom Jacob walked infront of me. He looked around the corner before walking, I followed him and we were soon at the corner that led to the dining room.

We could hear yelling from inside and tried to listen.


We looked at each other, someone was dead. I looked around the corner and saw Henry pacing infront the large crowd who all looked terrified at his outburst. I could see a body behind him but only just, I couldn't make out who it was.


I looked up at Jacob and he looked back sadly before he turned the corner and ran through the doors into the dining room. Henry spun to see him then smiled before holding up the gun and shooting.

The world seemed to slow down as I watched Jacob's body crumple. I felt my heart shatter as I heard his body thud against the cold floor.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I felt myself scream.

Henry looked up from the body and saw me, he smirked then started walking towards the doors. He opened them and motioned for me to come in. My eyes flashed from Jacob's body to him and I saw he had his gun pointed at the crowd who were all too scared to move.

I had lost. I walked forward slowly and I saw his grin grow larger as I walked into the dining room. I looked at Jacob and felt tears spring to my eyes, there was no doubt he was dead. The shot got him in the chest.

I turned to the other body and saw it was Darren. I felt my tears spill over, they were both dead, because of me. I could hear Hailey sobbing, most likely from when Henry shot Darren.

I brought my eyes up to meet hers and she looked scared and in pain. I turned to look at Henry who seemed to be enjoying the affect this was having on me.

"You win." I said in defeat.

"Oh I know I've won. I knew I had one they day I found you." He said.

I just stared a him, all feeling gone. My body felt numb. My eyes scimmed over the crowd and I couldn't see Jesse anywhere.

My eyes fell back onto Jacob's body. He had done this for me, he had been trying to help me. He'd been there for me since the begining, since he found out. He had held me more nights then I could remember and made me laugh when I wanted to cry. I had loved him and he had never known. I never got the chance to tell him. I never would.

"I think we should go somewhere more private, don't you?" Henry asked mockingly.

I turned to him and felt hatred boil up in me. This man had wrecked my life, killed the people I loved and was now going to kill me. No, he wasn't a man, he was a monster.

I nodded while I glared and he seemed to notice my sudden change in emotion which just made him chuckle. He motioned for the door, all the while holding his gun towards the crowd. I started to walk towards it when someone yelled out stop.

I turned to see Jesse emerge from the crowd. My eyes widened, no no no. I'd already lost Jacob and Darren.

"Oh and why would I do that?" Henry said with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I'm not going to let you hurt her." Jesse replied smoothly.

Henry laughed at that and looked towards me with amused eyes.

"You have boys willing to die for you, three to be excact." He said.

My eyes went wider and I paled, Three? That meant he was going to kill Jesse.

"I have a reason." Jesse said.

"Oh and what's that?" Asked Henry chuckling.

I looked at Jesse, shaking my head furiously, trying to signal him not to but he ignored me.

"I'm her brother." Jesse said.

I saw Henry look between him and I with a look of shock on his face before he turned angry.

"Brother? I suggest you come with us." He said.

There was no hint of amusement in his voice, it was pure venom. I saw Jesse falter a little but then his face turned calm again.

"Let her go." He said.

Henry suddenly turned to gun on me and I stared at it in fear. Jesse's eyes went wide and the blood drained from his face.

"I said, come with us." Henry said, knowing he had won again.

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