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Rachel's pov-
We walked downstairs and my mom said "Perfect c'mon let's go." We walked into our garage and we went into her black Range Rover. To say my mom was finically stable was a understatement, we were loaded. She was originally a Lawyer up until my dad died and she become a stay at home mom. My dad was originally a plastic surgeon, for the Hollywood stars. Once we pulled into there neighborhood. We parked our car and we got out.

We all got out and walked to the front door. My mom was holding a bottle of wine and some pasta salad. Noah, Tanner and I behind her. Someone answered the door and said "Elizabeth!" They hugged and she exchanged the gifts to them. "Alexander, these are my kids. Noah, Tanner and Rachel." We smiled and shook hands, "I'm Alexander your moms boyfriend. Come inside my son and his friends are here."

We came inside to see four guys, one said "Hey dad, have you seen Calum's book?" "Nope sorry son. This is my son Ashton, his friends Michael, Luke and Calum. They live here with me, this is as you know Elizabeth and her kids. Tanner, Noah and Rachel." He said as he pointed down the line. "You kids all get to know each other. Me and Elizabeth will finish dinner." Said Alexander as he took my mom to the kitchen.

Ashton said "Well I'm Ashton Irwin, Alexander's son. I am twenty four and I am a surgeon at my dad's hospital, I run the whole Emergency Room." He smiled after he said that, "Hi I'm Luke Hemmings, I am a cardiologist, I like food too. I work with Ashton at his dad's hospital." "I'm Michael Clifford, I am a neurosurgeon. I like pizza, I guess." "And I'm Calum Hood, I am general pediatric doctor and surgeon." He smiled and Ashton said "So tell us about yourselves."

"I'm Noah, I'm seventeen, the oldest. I like food, I play Football and Lacrosse captain for both. I am planning on going to college to become a firefighter, I have a part time job at Target being a cashier." They nodded and Tanner went on "Hi I'm Tanner, I'm seventeen, I'm the middle child. I play Baseball and do swimming. I am planning on going to college to become a Sports coach for a professional team. I have a part time job at a baseball field referee and selling food and cleaning the field."

I smiled and said "Well I'm Rachel, I'm seventeen and I'm the youngest. I am into the stage, I do drama. I have a part time job at California Pizza Kitchen as a hostess." "What do you wanna do with your life?" Questioned Luke and I shrugged, "I don't know." Michael said "That isn't an issue, heck I didn't know I wanted to be a surgeon till now." I smiled and soon my mom came out and said "Dinner."

I sat in between Tanner and Ashton, soon after we finished our chicken. Ashton's Dad Alexander tapped his glass with his fork and said "Elizabeth and I have an announcement. So boys as you know I'm retired now, as of today. Tomorrow Elizabeth and I are going to the Bahamas." "Okay." Me and my brother looked at each other and suddenly mom said "And you kids are going to be staying with the boys here." "WHAT?"

After a few minutes of being shocked and complaining to ourselves we called it a night and headed home. "Mom how could you?" Questioned Tanner as we went into the car. "Yeah mom! We don't know them!" Replied Noah. "Well boys I'm sorry but Alexander and I, want to see the world. You kids need to spend time with them." "I won't, Tanner and I will live with our football friends." "I already talked to the Smiths for you boys, you guys can stay there."

"What about me?" "Rachel honey, you can make adjustments to a new school temporarily. Tanner and Noah can't move schools because it ruins scholarships chances." "This is stupid." I said as I leaned back into my seat, "It isn't honey, just think of all the new possibilities. I want y'all packed by tomorrow." I sighed as we pulled in and I went upstairs to go start packing it all up.

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