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Rachel's pov-
That night, once we came home and got ready for bed. Ashton came into my room, "How you holding up?" I was in my pjs and I was just placing my clothes from today in a hamper. "I'm holding up alright." "Rachel, you know, you don't have to lie to me." "I'm not lying." I turned around to face him, he was sitting on my bed. "Rachel." Soon before I knew it, there were tears streaming down my face.

He got up and hugged me, "It's okay Rachel." "Is it though Ashton? My mom just left me, she pretty much said I couldn't put forth the effort to find a family friend for you to stay with. So here is my boyfriends son. Don't get me wrong, I like it here. It just isn't the same." "I know, I know." He started to play with my head and he said "C'mon let's take a moment to breathe."

We moved to my bed and I said "I don't know what to do." "Well tomorrow we are going to tour the school and sign the final papers so you can start on Monday." "Okay." "Rachel we can live this time together, day by day. No planning for the future, just a day at a time." "I like the sound of that." I wiped a tear and he smiled, "Now you should get some sleep." "Okay." He got up and I got up and hugged him. "Thanks for being here." "Thanks for letting me help you."

He smiled and he left, before I knew it. I climbed into bed and I fell asleep.

"C'mon Rachel, we have twenty minutes!" "I'm coming." I was finishing my outfit, I topped it off with a black hat and I walked downstairs. Luke said "Wow you look beautiful." "Thanks." We got into a car and headed off to the new school. Once we arrived the principal greeted us and we sat in his office while he went over paperwork. "So Rachel we heard you are very talented." "I like to think so sir." "Well the drama teacher is in her office and she has been dying to hear you sing. So why don't you go see her."

I looked at the boys and Calum said "Go." "Okay, I'll be back." I got out of my chair and I followed a women in the front desk towards a building. We walked to the last door and she opened it where I saw a big auditorium. The drama teacher was on stage with a group of kids and they were performing Chicago's, The Cell Block Tango. I smiled and she turned around "Is this Rachel?" "Yep." I walked up and I shook her hand, she replied with a "I'm the drama teacher, you can call me Miss.Cliff. So I wanna hear this voice everyone has been talking about. Girls take five while I audition Rachel."

They left and she said "Anything you wanna sing?" "I'm up for whatever challenge you want." "Okay do you know Defying Gravity from Wicked?" "Who doesn't know that." She laughed and said "Okay you can do Elphaba and I will bring some students in to help you." She snapped her fingers and a bunch of kids came in running. "Alessia, Glinda. Rest of you citizens and guards! From the top! Places please!" Everyone ran into places and Alessia smiled at me and the music started, immediately Alessia started and we did the whole number.

After it was over Miss.Cliff said "That's just the voice I am looking for! Perfect!" I smiled and she said "Welcome to our drama program!" I smiled as everyone hugged me.

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