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Rachel's pov-
I tied my hair up into a pony tail, my mom came in and said "I'm sorry again babe." "Sure you are." I grabbed my last bag and walked downstairs my brothers were still packing. Soon someone opened the door and there stood Ashton. "Hi Rachel, you ready?" "Yeah I guess." He was helping my load my bags into his car. He said "I'll finish putting these in here, you can go say bye to your family." "Okay."

I went inside and said my goodbyes, my mom came outside and said "Thank you Ashton, so you have all medical consent to her and all that jazz. The boys should come live with you when school gets out of session which will be by July. We come back in August." He nodded and I sighed, it was only August. This was pretty much a year trip, for them. Ashton said "Okay have fun." I got into shotgun and I sat in the seat looking out the window.

Soon I heard his door shut and he said "You can plug in your phone for music, if you want." "Thanks." I plugged my phone into the aux cord and I started to play Heard The World by O.A.R. "Do you like this type of music?" "It's alright." I was still looking out the window of the moving car. Ashton said "My dad found you a great school, it is known for its theater program." "Oh that's nice." "You don't speak much."

Replied Ashton and I said "How would you feel, if you found out last night you are spending a year away from your family." "I mean you got a point." We arrived at the house, we were at yesterday. Ashton was helping me grab everything and soon the other boys came to help me. Luke said "I'll show you, your room." He lead me upstairs to a bedroom, "So Calum's and Ashton's are next door to yours. I'm across the hallway with Michael."

He opened the door and he said "You can order new stuff." "No it's fine I brought my room with me pretty much." He chuckled and Ashton said as he brought up the last boxes. "So Rachel, you can get unpacked and we were thinking of going out to dinner?" "Don't y'all have work?" "Not until tomorrow." "Okay." They left and I sighed, "Time to get unpacking."

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