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Rachel's pov-
"You can't start a fire, you can't start a fire without a spark." Dancing Through The Dark by Bruce Springsteen was blasting through my speaker. I was curling my last piece of hair. I smiled as I rang my fingers through the hair. To loosen my curls, I grabbed my hat. I put it on and I grabbed my phone as I walked downstairs. The boys were all ready and I said "Where too?" "We were thinking about Olive Garden." "Sounds good."

We went into someone's car who I assumed was Calum's because he was driving. "So Rachel, you start school next week." "Okay, sounds good." "You don't speak much do you?" Questioned Michael who was in shot gun. "I don't have much to say." I looked down at my lap and played with the bottom of my romper. "Hey so the new school needs your medical records, what was your last doctor so I can transfer them to our hospital."

"Umm ask my mom on that one. I don't pay the health bills and stuff." "So how is California Pizza Kitchen?" "It's a part job, you can't complain." "That's fun." We arrived at a restaurant which I knew was across from my work. It was called Copper Blue Live. We walked in and got our table, I sat next to Ashton, on my right. Calum was across from me and Luke was on my left. Michael was right next to to Calum, he said "So do you work at that one?"

He pointed to the California Pizza Kitchen and I smiled "Yeah." "So what have your performed in?" "I was in Newsies as an extra, in eighth grade. I was Cosette in Les Miserables my freshman year. Sophomore year I was Nina for In The Heights, and Junior year back at my old school we were going to do Wicked." "That's fun, I bet you are talented." "I like to think so." He chuckled and I said "My talent isn't as good as your guys talent for saving people though."

They chuckled and Ashton replied with "Well we have many talents." "I believe that got a fact."

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