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Rachel's pov-
"So like it's so amazing! She is giving me opportunities, I never knew I was capable of. Like there's this competition in New York and she said we get to audition for broadway shows for a summer internship with them! Which means I may have a shot of making it big!" "That's amazing Rachel." I was currently in Ashton's office while he was finishing up some paperwork. "Also Alessia is having a party for us to get our selves in the mood for competition next month, can I go?"

"When is it?" "Friday." "Sure. Just don't drink or smoke or have sex." "Thank you!" I ran over to him and hugged him. He smiled and said "Anything to make you happy." I unlatched from hugging him and said "Now only to figure out, what to wear." He chuckled and I smiled, "Can you take me shopping?" "No you have already so many clothes."


I walked downstairs and I heard Luke say "You look beautiful as always." I was in dark brown dress with sparkles on the top. I had on silver heels and a purse, Ashton came over and said "That's our sister." Over the time the boys have pretty much called me their sister and I am not mad about it. They have made me feel better about myself. It's funny how these boys have such a big effect on me.

"Thanks boys." I hugged them and I said "Maddison is picking me up, don't worry no drugs, no alcohol." "Okay we believe you." Replied Michael.

"Wow that didn't take a lot of convincing." "Well it is with a bunch of theater kids, how bad can you guys get?" Little did the boys know Theater kids can get wild real fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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