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"Calm down Owen; this going to be fine." Owen muttered to himself as he paced the kitchen.

"Phone? Check. Popcorn? Check. Pillows and covers? Check. Earbu- Did I bring my earbuds?"

He checked his pockets again, knowing perfectly well that they were in there.

'But there is no harm in double-checking... or triple-checking... Have I checked too many times already?'

He felt the buds in his pocket exactly where he'd left them. He sighed in a relief he didn't quite feel.

"Wh-wh-why are you nervous?" he spoke to himself in rapid-fire. "You only talk to yourself when you're nervous. You only stutter when you nervous; why the fuck are you nervous?"

'Maybe it's because you're planning to watch a movie with the girl you love.'

Owen did a double-take. His hands were everywhere.

"Oh no. No. Nonononono, love is a strong word. Too strong. Infatuation? Maybe. Feeling of attraction since the moment I met her? Definitely. But not love; it CAN'T be love, not this soon. Not this soon; that's impossible!"

Owen paused a bit.

"Is it?"

He looked around, waiting for an answer that he knew wasn't coming.

'I don't know how I feel; Jeysus, I don't know what I feel!'

Owen checked the wall clock on the far end of the wall: 6:55. He suddenly felt himself chocking; chocking not because of fear, but out of excitement. He couldn't form complete words.

'Oh my god, calm down Owen. CALM. THE FUCK. DOWN.'

His breaths quickened, now brief and raspy.

'I'm hyperventilating? I'mdefinitelyhyperventi- Why am I hyperventilating?'

He took his seat by the table; palming his fingers as he tried to stabilize his breathing. It wasn't very effective.

"Okay, this isn't working. WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo? Okay fine, rap: Hispalmsaresweaty kneesweakarmsareheavy. Theresvomitonhissweateralready. Momspaghetti. He's nervous. I'm nervous; I'm definitely nervous. This isn't working; this is definitely not working."

He closed his eyes, deciding to focus on his breaths; maybe that'd help counter his shaky palms. They didn't have any apparent effect.

'Well, this is going well...'

Slowly though, his breathes slowed down; the shake subsided until Owen was certain it wasn't noticeable.


Owen opened his eyes and saw Riley walking towards him. She was wearing simple clothes; jeans and a grey tank top. Owen thought she looked gorgeous.

"Heeey..." he replied back.

'-on't screw this up. Don't screw this up. Don't screw this up. Don't screw this up. Don't screw this u-'

"So... which movie are we watching?" Riley asked him. Owen noticed that her huge doe eyes were fixated on him; it did not help his nervousness.

Nervous, yes; but he was still mesmerized by them; Owen thought her irises sparkled a bit.

"Okay, so it's this really, REALLY old film;" Owen managed to bring himself to reply. "Like, ancient film; it's called Monty Python and the Holy Grail; quite a mouthful, I know. But it's one of my all-time favorite comedies."

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