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Riley lay belly first on the bed, reading into the textbook open before her. She didn't quite like organic chemistry, but she trudged through it anyway. Moments later she heard some soft footsteps, before feeling the mattress conform beside her.

"Whatchya doing Sunshine?" Jonathan asked he sat down beside her. Riley felt his fingers caress her cheek. A small part of her felt irritated; she really needed to finish that chapter, but a large part of her felt elated, and also grateful; she loved having his company, especially when she was home alone.

"Reading." She replied, trying to keep her attention on the book in front of her; if not the entire chapter, she'd at least have to finish the page.

"I can see that..." Jonathan replied as he lay down next to her. "Why're you reading?"

"Because..." Riley turned towards Jonathan, staring into the hazel eyes behind the black spectacles he wore. "We have an assignment tomorrow, remember?"

"Ah that... I say screw it; I gave up a long time ago." he replied, playing with his hair. "When's Mrs. Smith coming back?"

"Not sure," Riley replied. "Maybe a week?"

"Cool" He nodded his head "cool cool cool..."

There was a silence for a while, as Riley lay there trying to read; Mrs. Smith had mentioned about her trip a few weeks prior, and for the past few days Riley was more-or-less home alone. The only exception to that was Jonathan; Mrs. Smith thought he was a 'strapping young man' and hence had no problem with Riley giving him a spare key. He had been dropping in the past few days, giving Riley company. He was even planning on staying overnight that day; Riley didn't know how he'd convinced his parents on that one.

A large part of her was indeed grateful, and she did enjoy the extra time they had been able to spend together.

'But I dunno, why's a small part of me nervous with him sleeping over?' she thought to herself. 'It's not like we haven't had sleepovers before...'

'But you weren't a couple then, and you guys were never alone like this...'

Riley shook her head at that; it wouldn't help over thinking about that. She'd rather enjoy this moment; the quiet, and Jonathan, who was now slowly tracing a finger 'cross the length of her arm.

"So... what're we dooin after?" Jonathan asked.

"I dunno; what do you want to do?"


Riley snapped her head at him in surprise. "You?"

'Does he mean...'

Riley had a small fear for a while that maybe Jonathan wanted something more from the relationship; something more... intimate. Riley was never comfortable talking about it, but she was fairly sure she'd hinted at Jonathan that she didn't want that; she wasn't ready yet.

Maybe Riley's confusion was obvious; Jonathan roared into laughter "Your face..." he said while gasping for air. "Oh my god, your face!"

Riley could feel her face her cheeks burn. "Shut up Jonathan!"

"You gotta admit; you want a piece of this." He said, gesturing pretentiously towards his body; Riley slapped his arm for that.

"OOow!" He exclaimed "What was THAT for?"

"For being an obnoxious perv?"

"Okay fair enough, but you better be careful Riles-"

Riley looked at him in confusion "-I'm quick with my hands."

Suddenly Riley felt fingers tickling her stomach. She rolled over; her laughter out of control as Jonathan climbed on top of her. He was grinning his ass off.

"Stop! STOP!" Riley said, tears rolling down her cheek.

The tickling stopped as quickly as it began. Riley heaved in air as she began becoming aware of her surroundings; she had managed to roll over and would have been starring at the beige ceiling above if not for Jonathan's dorky eyes.

"I love you Riles" was all he said, before he leaned forward and kissed her. Riley felt the world melt 'round her; it was now just Jonathan, and sweet taste of his lips. She embraced it completely. After a while, she felt Jonathan's palm brush her stomach, before slowly making its way up.

Unbeknownst panic began rising up Riley's throat; she quickly grabbed his arm and squeezed it.

Jonathan broke the kiss and looked her dead in the eyes; they almost looked sad. Riley maintained eye contact.

'I hope he gets that I don't want this, I don't want this...'

She prayed her eyes would somehow magically convey that to him. Finally, after what must have been only a few seconds (but felt like an eternity), Jonathan spoke.

"Okay." He said, nodding his head with a sad smile; Riley thought his eyes twinkled with disappointment.

"I-I- I'm-" Riley tried forming words.

"It's okay." He said getting up. "Well, um uh, how about I let you finish that assignment; I'll cook us some food." He said, before leaving the room.

Riley sat there, trying to make sense of her emotions, until Jonathan called her later for dinner.

She didn't complete that chapter that day.

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