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Riley woke up groggily; it felt like her head was spinning as she tried to get a bearing on her surroundings. She felt the burning embrace of her bedsheets, as she tried to recall what happened; why was her head swooning? Why did she feel so weak? Was she sick?

She tried recalling the events that happened a few hours ago; Jonathan had called her for dinner, they had sushi and chicken curry. Then they had a lil' bit of apple cider and... watched a movie? Riley's memories were too fuzzy to recall. It's only then she felt the hand fondling her breasts.

Panic welled up inside her as she shot her hand towards whatever was grabbing her, only to find an arm to pin her's down in retaliation.

Terror, confusion: banes of rational thinking; her screams were cut off at her throat. She tried shoving the palms away, but they fervently kept pleasuring themselves. She tried to call out, scream for help; for Jonathan, to Mrs. Smith, anyone, but the only voice that left her mouth was a squirm.

"Stop!" she finally brought herself to speak. Why did her throat hurt so much?

"You know you want this Riles! You just don't know it yet!" said a male's voice, vaguely familiar, his hands rubbing all over her in fervor.

She wanted to scream, yet she found herself unable to. The hands now ripped at her clothes. She tried stopping it, half-dazed in shock of what was happening. In anguish, she kicked at the man, who she heard fall onto the floor with a deafening thud. She quickly scrambled up, her clothes tattered, and looked over the edge, letting her eyes adjust to the dark and saw...


"-than?!" way all she could say in stark horror.

'Nonono this wrong, this is all wrong... It can't be; it can't...'

Her vision swooned as she held onto the sheets for support; the cider, she'd felt dizzy after the cider...

On the floor, Jonathan groaned as he clutched his head; he seemed intoxicated.

This was all too much; she needed air. She had to, had to, get out of the house. Around her the world was swimming; inside, her world was crumbling. She stumbled towards the doorknob when she suddenly felt an arm grab her from behind.

"Riley, you know you want this." she could hear Jonathan say. His voice was coarse.

She tugged at her arm, trying to break free.

"Riley." he continued. "Riley; listen to me!"

She kicked him in the groin; his grip slacked. She tried running ahead, but in her disarrayed state, she tripped over herself and slammed onto the floor.

"Riley! RILEY!" suddenly, she felt Jonathan's hands grip her hair and pull her up; she didn't scream, couldn't scream, a thousand emotions bashing her mind out. She felt like her head was exploding. She was in too much pain to do anything other than plod along as he pulled her back into the room, before pinning her against the bookcase. Her head lolled. She looked ahead and saw Jonathan's eyes, eyes she once thought held compassion, now just filled with feral desire.

"I need this Riles... and I know you do too."

Suddenly Riley felt him penetrating her. She was powerless, shock paralyzing her; invisible chains that worked in tandem with Jonathan's grip to hold her in place. She began sobbing. Through her blurry vision, she glanced at him; he was grinning his ass off. She looked into his eyes, hoping desperately this wasn't real; his lusty gaze only confirming it was.

"Stop! STOP!" Riley begged, tears rolling down her cheek.

He didn't stop; begging was like talking to a feral animal. Riley knew she had to do something, but she couldn't do anything; she was overpowered by him, but most importantly, she was overpowered by the sense of her world falling apart. She was not only combating him, but also waves of emotions. It was an uphill battle, with both her legs tied to chains. She felt betrayed, she felt horror.

She felt alone.

After a while, Riley shut her eyes; the throb in her thigh, her head, her nausea, all combining into a single fluidic pain that seemed to be seeping into every nook in her body. An eternity later, Riley felt Jonathan's grip loosen slightly; he was done.

On instinct, she grabbed at something, anything, until her palms clutched at the spine of a book. Without thinking, she pulled it with all the strength she could find, and slammed it at Jonathan's temple. He crumpled to the floor like a rag doll.

Riley stood there, trembling, her feelings now in a complete shutdown. Without thinking at all, half nude, she stumbled out the room. She needed out, her mind was more groggy than ever.

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