Chapter 1: A Wizard from a Story

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It was just an ordinary morning in the peaceful valley of Rivendell. Adira arrived in the elf valley only a week ago to replenish her supplies, for her continuing journey. Lord Elrond had welcomed her into his home. He was one of the few that didn't find her to be, what her people claimed her to be, but some of the other elves kept their distant from her, encase she tried something.

The young woman sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes, and looked around the room. She would be sad to leave this place again. Adira learned so much with every visit, studying in the library, training with Lord Elrond's sons; she had become exceptional with the bow, which her race generally did not prefer but than again she was quite different from 'others' of her kind.

The woman was up and about, walking through the forest, it was truly a beautiful place in her eyes. Waterfall's in every direction. Lord Elrond would always tell her she was as fierce as the water when it slammed against the rocks but could also be just as calm and gentle as the leaves that fall from the trees. No matter how often she came through here it never felt like home to her and she often wished that it would. Adira had said her goodbyes to the elves and was on her way, once again travelling across the Great East Road. It was a dangerous place to be alone in. Orcs and wargs often traveled this path. She carried her quiver full of arrows on her back and her bow in her hand and her horse Aurora carried her supplies on her back.

Adira was walking beside her mount, when the animal began acting strange. " Aurora what is it?" She asked in a quiet soft voice. The horse let out another whimper. Clearly something was near the area and Aurora could sense it. Slowly, she reached into her quiver for an arrow, her eyes still darting in ever direction, waiting for what ever it was to come out.

"Adira." A rough voice called from behind her. Adira whipped around her bow loaded with an arrow pointed at the old man wearing a grey hat and robes, holding a staff. The young woman felt as if she knew this man, but she couldn't place where she had seen him before, and it didn't explain how this stranger that looked like a wizard knew her.

"Who are you?!" She demanded. not lowering her weapon down.

"Adira, please, lower your bow or do you really plan on killing me" The wizard pressed.

"I will, if you don't tell me who you are!"

The old man let out an disappointment sigh, shaking his head. "Adira, I am surprised you would not remember me. Did you not pay attention to your mother's stories when you were little?" The wizard stated, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his pipe. The woman was taking back a little when he mentioned her mother. She had not thought about her mother for years. Adira looked the old man over, and than remembered the stories her mother told her. She talked about a grey wizard, that wore a big pointy hat and his staff and always carried a pipe.

"Your Gandalf the grey."

"Well it took you long enough." He grumbled, clearly insulted at this.

"Well forgive me. But last I heard you never existed. They were just stories." She growled, now lowering her weapon but still had it near encase he tried something.

"Hmm." He huffed. It was quiet between the two of them for the longest time, Adira shifted in her spot, wondering what this old man wanted.

"What are you doing here Gandalf?"

"I came here, looking for you." He admitted. And she rolled her eyes.

"Great. You found me. Why?"

"I need your help." He insisted, ignoring her need for sarcasm.

"Help with what?" She asked, getting impatient.

"With reclaiming an ancient homeland that was taken long ago by a terrible beast."

"Just you?" The woman questioned.

"No. There will be others." He carefully stated, watching her face expression change at the sound of 'others'

"Who are these others?" Adira demanded. She was getting annoyed fast with this wizard. He gave short answers for her question but never anything else.

" You'll meet them soon. If you decide to join me on this quest." She snorted at his answer and turned around and started to leave. "Adira! You are needed on this quest!" The wizard pleaded, causing her to stop but not turn to look at him.

"How so? Don't you know who I am? You think these 'others' that are coming along want someone like me on this journey?"

"My dear, your people were wrong to do what they did to you. Your mother tried to tell them....before she died, but whether you want to believe it or not, you are needed on this quest. Adira you have something in common with these others and you both want the same thing. You have a destiny and it does not lie out here wandering the wild."

Adira closed her eyes, shaking her head slightly, as she took this all in. She had traveled so long on her own, trying to search for the one thing she never had. Was this her chance to find it? Gandalf waited patiently, watching her carefully, hoping she would turn around.

"Fine..." Adira turned around to look at the wizard who looked like half the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders. "But under one condition. I don't want them know what I am." She pressed, as the two of them approached each other. "Where will I meet these 'others'?"

"We will all be meeting in the Shire." Gandalf informed.

"The village of the little folk? Why there?" She questioned.

" It is the home of the burglar we need on this quest. Now I presume you know how to get there. I will leave a very distinct glowing mark on the door, where the meeting will happen. The other's will arrive in the Shire in four days, don't be late." He pressed.

She narrowed her eyes at him and then looked at the ground, wondering what on earth he wanted a hobbit as a burglar for? They did not like being out of the comforts of their home. She couldn't blame them, at least they had a home. She went to look back at the old man but he was gone. Adira looked around everywhere, but he was no where to be seen.

"Wizards..." She growled. Adira walked back over to her horse and climbed onto her back. They had a lot of ground to cover if they were to make to the Shire in time. She dug the heel of her boots into the animal and she began galloping across the plain.

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