Chapter 3

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I do not own the video, it belongs to Yanic Nightcores from YouTube.

"See Brat, that was the most fun we've had in a long time," Berserk remarked.

"I'll admit, that was more fun than fighting with just the three of us in the training room," Brat admitted.

"What did you think of it Y/N?" Brute asked.

"That was probably the most exciting thing I've ever done," Y/N answered.

"Agreed, the more the merrier I suppose," said Brat.

"I can't believe I just robbed a bank, I never would have thought I'd end up here," Y/N chirped. "I thought I would never go anywhere other than school, but here I am, with my best friends watching TV after robbing a bank. It's funny how things turn out, isn't it?"

"I guess," mumbled Brute.

"Alright, I know you're tired Brute, but either go to bed or stop being rude, got it?" Berserk ordered.

"Ughhhhh, fine."

"Let's just all go to bed, we're all pretty tired anyway," Y/N suggested. "This way we could all do something fun tomorrow."

"That sounds good, I'll see you in the morning," Brute mumbled and promptly passed out on the couch.

"That's attractive, I'm going to my room," snarked Brat.

"See you tomorrow," chirped Y/N as she walked to her room.

Today was something. If this is how every day is for them, I wonder what tomorrow has in store. Y/N thought as she pulled on her favorite sweatshirt and got into her bed. I haven't seen my mother lately, I hope she isn't looking for me, I never wanna see her again.

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