Chapter 4

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I do not own the video, it belongs to Takuma Sensei from YouTube.

"Wake UPPPPPP!" Brat screeched as she flew into my room.

"Well I've been up for about an hour, so that was purely unnecessary, but thanks for the entertainment," I laughed.

"What's so funny," She demanded as Berserk and Brute started laughing in the other room.

"Your voice," I choked out, "It sounds so ridiculous, what did you do!?"

"I didn't DO anything," she grumped. "It just sounds like that in the morning."

"No, it doesn't you liar. It only sounds like this when you drink in the morning," Brute piped up. "What'd ya drink this time, stupid."

"Why do you care, bitch?"

"Brat," Berserk warned.


"I don't even know the number of times I've told you not to drink in the morning, one cause you sound like an idiot, and two because it impacts the way you behave and you usually end up acting like a bitch for the rest of the day," Berserk lectured. "No more drinking in the morning, but after 3 pm anythings fair game."

"whatever," Brat grumped.

"You all can be so nice and fun sometimes, but then stuff like this happens and I question your sanity a bit," Y/N interjected, eliciting a laugh from Brute.

"That sounds like us!"

"Alright, who wants to get breakfast and where do we go?," Berserk questioned.

"I don't care," Brute chimed in.

"Whatever," Brat grumped. She was still mad about being called out about her drinking problem I guess.

"Anything's fine for me," I answered.

"Ok, so we're going to the diner, sound good? We're leaving in 30 so go get dressed or whatever,"  Berserk announced. "Brat stop sulking and get off the floor."


The girls all left my room to go do their own thing and get ready or whatever. I grabbed my favorite white crop top and picked out a black and white plaid skirt. I decided on a studded black belt and accessorized with a couple of chains hanging off of it. I called in Brute for some input on my choker and makeup, as we probably wouldn't be coming home for the rest of the day. We decided on a spiky choker, matching hers and she helped me put on some black and white eyeshadow. We had dyed a streak of my H/C hair white, to match my color. I grabbed my wallet and favorite black leather jacket and went to wait in the living room with Brute


"How long you wanna bet Brat is gonna take to get ready today," Brute questioned.

"Probably at least an extra 20 minutes than the rest of us," Berserk responded as she dropped her wallet on the table with Brute's. "She's got no sense of time-management at all."

"Amen to that."

We drifted into silence and I got out my phone from my jacket. I browsed my social media for at least 20 minutes, heard a commotion, and looked up. Brat had just waltzed into the living room, 25 minutes late.

"Geez finally, I'm starving, let's go," Brute grumped. "Have some consideration for your SISTERS, idiot."

"Whatever, I'm here aren't I?"

"Just shut up, you two are both hungry, let's just eat. We can go to the mall or something afterward," Berserk suggested.

"That sounds good," we all chorused.

We all flew down to the diner, trying to avoid confrontation with the PowerPuffs. Ugh, they're so annoying. We arrived, Brat complained, Berserk shut her up, and we ate. Staying true to her promise, Berserk said we would go to the mall when we finished eating. 

"Ok, I'm done,"

"Finally Berserk, you took forever, I wanna go to the mall," Brat sighed.

"Well I'm done now, so let's go."

I grabbed my jacket and got up, slipping it on as I walked out the door. 

We flew to the mall in total silence, it being an unspoken race to see who could get there faster. As we arrived, we decided that we would split up, Brat and Berserk would go look at makeup and jackets, while Brut and I would look for better hair gel and jewelry. 

"Meet at the food court at 1 o'clock, ok?" Berserk stressed.

"Sounds fine, stop stressing, we will get there on time."

Brute and I found the hair gel we wanted, but not after putting it in both our hair and actually being able to style it for once since our old hair gel had terrible hold. We continued wandering around, looking at anything that struck our fancy and chatting about anything that came to mind.

"Well, look who it is. Long time no see Brute. Who's your new friend?"

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