Chapter 6

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I do not own the video, it belongs to Nightcore Nicotine from YouTube.


"Wake upppPPPPPP," was what you heard for the millionth day in a row, as Brat sauntered into your room looking wayyyyyy to pleased with herself for something to not be wrong. At this point, you woke up around the time she did anyway, so her unwelcome wake-up call wasn't so annoying.

"Alright, what did you do now?" You said, looking at her with a disapproving look. "And whatever you did, does it involve me or our sisters?"

"Yeah, doesn't it always? I saw the RowdyRuffs again, surprised they're showing their faces so soon after that little scuffle at the mall last week. So anyway, I saw them and followed them back to their house or whatever they're living in now. So what I did was I planted some I stole from the PowerPuffs lab thing or whatever there and from what I can tell, they already know it's missing. So they're gonna track it, find it there, and get them to announce they're back," She explained. "Great thing right? Now we'll be able to find out if they got a new member. I'm worried they have."

"I guess that's a good idea," you mumbled. "You should have asked one of us for help though, that was very dangerous, and if even one of them saw you anywhere near their base, our cover would have been blown. You have to be more careful."

"Yeah, yeah, always the cautious one. Sometimes you have to take risks!" She exclaimed.

"Whatever, I guess there's nothing we can do now," You mumbled defeatedly.

"Yep!" Brat chirped. "So now we should eat breakfast and find a nice rooftop to watch the show!"

"Fine, go wake up the other two," You told her. "I'll get some food."


As I pulled together some fruit and water in the kitchen, I saw Brat saunter into Brute's room and about a minute later heard some VERY vulgar words come from the room. I glanced over from the fridge and saw Brat skipping out the room and into Berserk's room down the hall, who did the same thing as Brute, just less loud. I sighed and grabbed an apple and water for myself and sat on the couch, waiting for Brute and Berserk to get dressed and Brat to finish her makeup.

As I scrolled through my phone, Berserk walked out of her room in her uniform, looking slightly disheveled and tired. 

"What happened in there, sleepyhead?" I joked. "I heard some yelling."

"Brat tried to pour water on my face!" She grumbled. "I woke up just before she did."

"I told her to wake you up, I didn't think she'd do that though. Although that's totally something she'd do. Grab a drink and something to eat, we're gonna go camp out on some buildings roof, Brat says there's probably gonna be a fight between the Puffs and Ruffs."

"Ooooo, that's gonna be GOOD." She said excitedly, suddenly more awake. "Is Brute up yet?"

"Brat woke her up, probably the same way she did you, but she hasn't come out yet."



As Berserk got her breakfast, Brat walked out of the bathroom after fixing her hair and makeup. As soon as Berserk saw her, she started yelling at her about the water, at which Brute burst out of her room and attempted to strangle Brat. 

"Brute! Calm down, I told her to wake you up!" I yelled. "Although not in the way she chose"

At this Brat looked slightly guilty.

Brute let go of her sister's neck and stomped over to the couch. 

I noticed Brute's hair was slightly wet, which meant Brat had succeeded in pouring water on her.

"Brute, get some food. Brat thinks there will be a Puff v Ruff fight today."

"Yessss, we haven't had one of those in months," She said, hopping off the couch to walk to the fridge.

The rest of us stood by the door waiting for her. When she had her food, Brat pushed open the door and we stepped outside.

"I'm guessing the fights gonna be somewhere near the Ruff's hideout, since that's where the device is, so just, like follow me or whatever," Brat told us. She lifted off and started flying in the direction of the park. We followed her and flew in silence for about 5 minutes. Brat then touched down on top of an office building next to a very tall skyscraper.

"There hideout is somewhere in there if we wait here long enough, the Puffs will eventually come along," Brat said. "Settle in, cause we might be here awhile."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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