Chapter 5

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I do not own the video, it belongs to [] Sas [] Nightcore from YouTube.


Brute and I looked behind up to see a group of four boys, that oddly seemed to resemble the four of us very well. 

"Who are they," I whispered under my breath. Brute seemed to hear me and gave me a look that said: "just don't ask, I'll deal with it". 

"Long time no see Butch. Where ya been, stuck in prison again," Brute taunted.

"No. We just got back from Japan. I see you haven't changed a bit. As I asked already, who's your friend, I don't believe we've met," he smirked,  his companions whispering among themselves while shooting occasional glances at me.


"Hold up, what are you doing here?!" I heard a familiar voice snap. I turned around and saw Brat and Berserk walking over to us with a couple of shopping bags. "Why are you harassing our sisters? Go on, shoo!"

The boy in front turned around and his friend mumbled something to him. He turned back around and said, while smirking, "No, we don't think we will." 

"Then if you don't we'll just have to, oh I don't know, fight right here right now and let the PowerPuffs know you're back already. Wouldn't that blow your cover nicely?"

"No no no, that won't be necessary!" they backed off and hurriedly walked away, seeming to be quite irate while doing so, whispering among themselves.

"Who were they?" I asked, still wondering how they knew each other. "And you think of me as a sister?!"

"Of course! Why wouldn't we? Anyway, those we the RowdyRuff Boys. They're technically like, boy versions of us. They don't like the PowerPuffs, but they don't like us much either." Berserk informed me, Brat nodding behind her.

"Yeah, they were the ones who released us from the PowerPuffs mirror and got themselves in huge in the process of doing so. They've resented us for it ever since," Brute cut in. "That might be why they're so interested in you, they don't remember you from the mirror."

"Well, that's because I wasn't in it," I deadpanned.

"Exactly. Well, now we understand why they've always had one more person than us. We were meant to find you! Brat chirped excitedly from beside me. "It all makes sense now."

"Not exactly," Berserk started while motioning us to follow her towards the steps. "We and the RowdyRuffs now have four members, but guess who doesn't."

"The PowerPuffs," Brat murmured as the weight of the realization set in. 

"Exactly," Berserk said. "We're going to have to be more careful with our attacks now. The PowerPuffs might try and recruit a new member if we keep beating them."

"Ooo, I didn't think of that. That's a good point. We should lay low for a while, see what they do. Maybe the RowdyRuffs will decide to announce they've returned." Brute suggested.

"Sounds reasonable," Berserk approved as they reached the top of the stairs and slipped inside a cleaning closet.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"This closet has direct access to the roof, so we can just climb out and fly home," Brat informed me as Brute worked on picking the lock on a trapdoor in the ceiling.

"That's so smart, I would've never thought of that!" I exclaimed. I heard a click as Brute pushed the trapdoor open and evening light flooded the room.

"Bingo," she whispered. "Let's go."

We climbed up onto the roof, the wind ruffling my hair. Berserk climbed out last, latching the trapdoor shut and standing up. "Ready to go?" she asked.

"Definitely, it's been an eventful day." 

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