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It was the first Fourth of July Andy and Chucky would be experiencing together, and Karen had planned on heading out to see a firework show like her and Andy had done each year prior. Obviously Chucky had never heard of fireworks, so when the plan was brought up, he had naturally tugged at Andy's sweater sleeve to ask him.
"Andy, what are fireworks?" he murmured looking up at Andy, who was sitting beside him on the couch.
"Oh, well," Andy scratched his head in thought. "They're like, big, colorful explosions in the sky that people shoot off when they wanna celebrate something."
"E-explosions?" Chucky stammered. "Sounds scary."
"No no no, they're not scary. They're cool! Just wait, you're gonna love 'em," Andy snickered, ruffling his hair.
That night, the three drove out to an open field where hundreds of people were gathered, laying on blankets and sitting in chairs, eagerly awaiting the commence of the show. Karen set out a large blanket, where herself, Andy and Chucky all sat. With Chucky in his arms, Andy leaned back a bit and looked up at the stars. He was lost in thought for a short while before he was snapped out of his trance by a small voice coming from below him.
"A-Andy?" Chucky whispered.
"What's up, bud?" Andy replied, looking down at him.
"I'm...," Chucky hesitated, "I'm scared."
Andy cocked his head. "Why? There's nothing to be scared of."
"I've never seen fireworks before. They sound scary," the doll admitted, hanging his head to avoid looking Andy in the eye.
"Aw, it's ok, buddy. I'm right here, nothings gonna happen, okay? I promise, you're gonna love 'em," he repeated, holding him closer to his chest and patting his back.
Chucky began to smile and lean into his sweater before he suddenly jolted, having heard a pop somewhere in the distance. Almost as soon as he turned his head in the direction of the sound, the sky exploded into color as a single firework exploded into a million bright sparkles.
And following the first, a second firework was launched into the night, immediately followed by a third after it burst into pieces. Soon, the sky was filled with dozens of fireworks following the one before it, never ceasing the pattern.
Andy was so mesmerized by the colorful display that he almost didn't notice Chucky burying his face in his sweater, gripping it tightly. It was when he felt his little fingers dig into the fabric that his attention was directed back at his cowering friend.
"Hey, hey, it's ok," he whispered, soothingly running his hand through his hair. "Look, they're not so bad. See how pretty the colors are?"
Chucky slowly turned to look up at the sky, still holding on tight. Another firework boomed through the air, making him flinch. And then another, making him flinch again. But when the third firework went off, he just continued to stare. Soon after, his grip on Andy's sweater began to loosen, before his hands dropped to his sides altogether. He watched as each firework burst into every color of the rainbow, and every shape imaginable. It really wasn't that bad after a while, and before he knew it, he was caught up in the colors, too. A grin slowly formed on his lips, and he began to giggle out of pure excitement. He looked back at Andy with a wide grin, making Andy chuckle seeing him resemble something like a small child.
Throughout the remainder of the show, he never flinched again, as he was just too absorbed in the beauty of the bright lights. He had turned his back completely from Andy, leaning forward almost to the point of falling just to get closer to the sky.
Finally, the last of the fireworks were shot off, before they ceased completely. Everybody around them cheered, and it took a second before Chucky himself clapped his hands together and joined in.
Soon after, they got up off the blanket and packed their things as everybody else began to walk back to their cars. As they were walking back to their own, Chucky turned around in Andy's arms and hugged his neck.
"Thank you, Andy," he beamed, "you were right, I loved them!"
Andy chuckled and returned the embrace. "I'm glad you did, buddy."

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