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Whenever Andy was sad, Chucky would always be the first to leap into action, doing whatever he possibly could to make his best buddy happy again. He would talk through things with him, play a game to keep his mind off it, or sometimes just cuddle up next to him and tell him everything was going to be okay. He was always there for him, and never once left his side. But sometimes, when the deepest, darkest times crept up on his friend and swallowed him whole, Chucky found trying to make him smile proved to be fruitless. He couldn't seem to do anything that made Andy feel even a little bit better. It was at those times that Chucky felt weak, useless, and utterly mortified at his lack of power. He thought that nothing he did could and would never truly make Andy happy, and that he would be better off without him. It wasn't until Chucky revealed these frustrations to Andy that his vision would be altered completely.
One slow, Saturday afternoon, Chucky began to notice Andy's mannerisms giving off a rather melancholy vibe. He walked with an obvious drag in his step, eyes halfway closed, yet visibly sad looking. He remained this way throughout the rest of the day, refusing to console in Karen whenever she had attempted to reach out to him. When night fell, he didn't even bother to bring Chucky to bed with him like he always had done. He just walked into his room and left the door slightly ajar, flopped onto his bed and stared at the wall with a blank expression. Shortly after, Chucky peaked in from behind the door, causing it to creak quietly but loud enough for Andy to raise his head a bit and look into his direction. Immediately after, he returned his gaze to the wall and let his head hit the pillow below. Chucky opened the door wide enough so that he could squeeze through, then quietly shut it behind him before walking over to the bedside, facing Andy.
"Andy? You wanna play now?" he asked hopefully.
"No, Chucky, I'm tired," Andy mumbled, closing his eyes.
Chucky frowned and leaned a bit closer. He could almost feel the sadness radiating from Andy's form. He slowly reached a small hand up and placed it on Andy's arm, causing him to open his eyes again.
"Andy, why are you sad?" he whispered.
Andy sighed and thought for a second. "Honestly," he began, "I don't really know, Chucky. I'm just... tired. Of, like, everything. I feel like things just keep getting worse for me and... I can't... stop it," he spoke softly, tears suddenly brimming his droopy eyes.
Chucky squeezed his arm and looked at him with a face of pure heartbreak. He hated seeing Andy hurt more than anything.
"Andy, I... I'm sorry," he croaked, sounding as if he were about to cry if he could. "I wanna help, but I don't know how. I just want you to be happy. I feel like... I'm not doing enough," he dropped his head in shame.
Andy raised his head to look at him. "Oh, Chucky," he whispered. "I- no, you're... you're doing enough. You're doing everything you can. You're always there for me, and you're doing a great job but... I just, have problems that are... unfixable, sometimes. It's not your fault."
Chucky slowly raised his head to look at Andy, who slowly began to smile. When he saw that Chucky didn't imitate the gesture, he laughed and reached forward to pick him up, cradling him in his arms.
"You're doing a good job," he repeated, running his hand through his hair. "You really are."
Chucky slowly began to smile as well, getting comfortable against Andy's chest as he let him stroke his hair. If his best friend had said that he was doing a good job, then he would, without a doubt, believe he was.
"Do you wanna sing the buddi song to maybe make you feel better?" Chucky asked.
Andy chuckled in amusement and rested his cheek on Chucky's head. "Sure, buddy."
As Chucky sang to him in an effort to wrap up any sort of negative feelings Andy may have had still lingering about, he knew that he didn't have to worry about being enough for Andy ever again. Because his friend had told him he was indeed of the sort, his thoughts were layed to rest for the time being.

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