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In the winter, it gets really chilly. Andy had always and still does bundle up in many layers of clothing before going outside. But on the first snow day he would be spending with Chucky, his game plan was brought to a halt, as he had to figure out some way to make sure Chucky wouldn't become a doll-sicle. He realized he had to figure something out when he began to race for the door, eager to jump into the knee-high blanket of snow down the street at the park. He grabbed the handle but suddenly felt like he was forgetting something. He turned to see Chucky standing a few feet behind him, watching him expectantly. Of course, how could he forget?
"Oh, right, forgot about you for a second there, bud," he said as he walked over to him and knelt down to his level.
"Why were you running to leave so fast?" Chucky questioned curiously.
"Well, cause it's snowing outside, and I really like to play in the snow," Andy replied.
"Snow?" Chucky cocked his head.
"Yeah, it's this really soft white stuff that comes from the clouds and settles on the ground, so then you can jump into it and make snow angels," he said with excitement.
"I wanna see snow," Chucky said, getting excited himself.
"I know, I want you to, too. But I'm worried you might freeze or something out there. We're gonna have to figure something out," he said before scooping him up and walking to his room. He entered and closed the door behind him, setting Chucky down on his bed as he went to his closet and fished through the various clothes.
"You're gonna have to wear some extra layers if you wanna stay warm, okay?" he called over his shoulder while continuing to search.
He finally came upon a heavy winter coat he had worn when he was little, a few sizes too small for him now but seemingly perfect for Chucky. He brought the coat over to Chucky and fitted it over his small frame, zipping it up with care and stepping back to get a better look. It fit almost perfectly.
"Hah! You look like a cute little toddler or somethin'," Andy snorted.
Chucky just giggled as Andy made his way back to the closet and fished out a hat, a pair of gloves, and some boots. He helped Chucky get into them stand up, testing everything out.
"I feel warmer already!" Chucky smiled up at Andy.
Andy smirked and picked him up again, carrying him back through the apartment and outside the door. They walked short distance until they reached the park, where Andy set Chucky down in the snow once they made it through the gates.
"Woah, wh-what is all this stuff, Andy?" Chucky grabbed ahold of his leg with slight panic in his voice.
"It's snow, Chucky! Look, it's fun to play in," he said, picking up a handful and handing it to Chucky. Chucky hesitated before grabbing ahold of it with his small, gloved hands and bringing it close to his face.
"See, you're not afraid of the snow, are you?" Andy said, patting his head.
"No, I guess not," Chucky said quietly, still observing the snow in his hand.
"Good," Andy said.
Suddenly, Chucky was hit in the back with something cold yet non solid. He whipped around, ready to fend off anything threatening to harm his best buddy, only to see Andy standing behind him, laughing hysterically.
"Got ya!" he exclaimed, breaking into a fit of snorting as he pointed to the chunks of snow on the back of Chucky's coat.
Chucky slowly began to smile. He then giggled and knelt down the grab a handful of snow, stumbling through the snow and towards Andy, who took off running in the opposite direction, laughing all the way. He made sure to run a lot slower than he normally would so that Chucky would have a chance to catch up. When he did, he threw the snowball at him, hitting him in the leg.
"Ah, you got me!" he cried dramatically, clutching his leg for emphasis. He pretended to fall backwards into the snow and writhe in agony. Chucky scrambled over to him, genuinely believing he was hurt.
"Andy? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard! Andy?" he cried.
Before he could react, Andy grabbed a handful of snow and chucked it at him, jumping up and running off. Chucky fell backwards, chasing after him after a few seconds of recovering from the shock.
"Hah! I'm gonna get you, Andy!" he called as he tread through the snow after his friend.
The two laughed and frolicked in the snow, throwing snowballs at each other and laughing wildly. They ran through the entire park howling with laughter and returning fire. Their laughter echoed through the cold, winter air, being loud enough to hear for miles.
At some point, Andy toppled over in defeat, letting out a final battle cry before falling into the snow below. Chucky immediately leaped on top of him, throwing the snowball in his hand at his face.
"Ha! I gotcha!" he shouted excitedly.
Andy burst into laughter. "Alright, alright you got me!" he chuckled after regaining his composure.
"Are we having fun now?" Chucky piped happily.
"Yeah, we are," Andy smiled, wrapping his arms around Chucky and bringing him against his chest. He and Chucky both erupted into laughter as he lay in the snow, squeezing him tight.

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