the decision

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Andy opened the door to his bedroom, walking through it and to the center of the room. He looked back at Chucky, trying his best to hold back his tears.
"Come on," he gestured for Chucky to follow, "in here."
Chucky happily began walking towards his friend. "Are we having fun now?" he questioned with excitement.
Before he could react, he was struck in the back of the head with something metal. He collapsed to the ground, immediately pinned by Falyn and Pugg as they struggled to hold him down, calling for Andy to make his move.
"Now, Andy, now!" they screamed, and Andy scrambled over and kneeled down to help them pin Chucky.
"Andy? What's happening?" Chucky stammered, voice thick with panic.
Andy struggled to undo his overall straps, pulling it aside and lifting his shirt. He then put his hand on his artificial heart, pausing when he did so. This earned him more screams of impatience from Falyn and Pugg as they urged him to rip the heart from its place.
"I'm sorry, Chucky," Andy shook his head, "it's the only way."
"But you're my friend!" Chucky cried.
And then, to everybody's astonishment, he began to sing his song to Andy in an attempt to urge his buddy to take pity on him. He locked eyes with Andy as he sang, and Andy's breath caught in his throat as he just stared back. A sudden wave of realization hit him. Chucky didn't want to be turned off. He wanted to stay alive, not even for his sake, but to continue to be with Andy. He cared so deeply for him, and the things that he had done prior were all suddenly flowing back to him. Only this time, he looked at them from a different angle. Chucky didn't know what he was doing when he killed Shane and Rooney. All he knew was that he believed it would make Andy happy, and Andy couldn't bring himself to throw away a relationship like that, where someone actually cared so deeply for him that they would be willing to do anything to make him happy. He just needed to talk through things with Chucky, get him to understand what he was doing was wrong. He truly didn't know any better.
In a sudden burst of adrenaline, Andy shoved Falyn and Pugg off of him, dashing forward and scooping Chucky up in his arms. He collapsed to the floor once he had Chucky in his grasp, sobbing uncontrollably into Chucky's shoulder as he began to realize everything that had just happened. He held Chucky tightly in his arms, shielding him from the two kids.
Falyn and Pugg stood from where they were, exchanging concerned glances and looking down at Andy.
"Andy, what the fuck are you doing-?" Pugg started, but Andy was quick to object.
"Please, just go," he said between hiccups.
Pugg took a step back, continuing to stare in disbelief for a few moments, before gesturing for Falyn to follow him out. They left the room, shutting the door behind them.
Andy continued to cradle Chucky against him and tell him how sorry he was between sniffles.
It took Chucky a while to recover from the shock he had just received, but eventually he hid his face in Andy's chest, not speaking but still allowing Andy to hold him.
After a few minutes of staying like this, Andy sat Chucky down in his lap, facing him. He re-strapped his overalls and brushed a few stray locks of hair from his face.
"Are you hurt?" he asked, to which Chucky shook his head. He still retained sad eyes, a small frown on his lips. He looked heartbroken.
"Chucky, I'm so sorry," Andy cried, "I don't know what I was thinking. Please forgive me, buddy, I'm begging you." He placed his hands on Chucky's shoulders, tears spilling from his cheeks.
Chucky looked up at him, still slightly scared that his best friend tried to get rid of him, but too overwhelmed by the desire to comfort him when he was sad to focus on that. A smile slowly formed on his face, his eyes lighting up slightly.
"It's okay, Andy, I forgive you," he said before leaning against Andy's chest, snuggling against him. "I'm just glad to still be here with you."
Andy wrapped his arms around him and cried happy tears, his face buried in his ginger hair.
"I love you, Chucky," he sobbed, "I love you so much."
"I love you, too, Andy," Chucky said before closing his eyes, happy to be wrapped in his best buddy's warm embrace.

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